Use of Power Point tools in lessons

Use of Power Point tools in lessons
Point tools, technology in education, learn PowerPoint, Power Point, lesson,

This is not even a statement, but practically a dogma, which the time demands, because the teacher, in his desire to popularize and motivate the attention of students to study his subject, has to compete with the perfectly organized world of mass media, which brightly, talentedly and obsessively encourages the child to endless watching TV programs, going on "roaming" and "shooting" trips, fan movement - the list of attractions depends on the age of the child and the capacity of the parents' wallet.

In addition, spending a lot of money on the purchase of a computer for a child with the aim, first of all, of providing the offspring with a good means of learning, many parents do not understand that the computer itself is a kind of tabula rasa, which will perform only those functions that it will be laid, therefore very often the computer becomes not an assistant in learning, but a powerful, sometimes insurmountable obstacle to the latter, when a child develops a game or Internet addiction.

Therefore, it is the teacher who must cultivate the desire to use a favorite toy for learning. And although today there are many software tools for learning a foreign language, most of them are focused on individual work, plus the cost of quality samples is sometimes prohibitive, besides, in any case, the child will need consultations and guidance in their use.

Power Point tools (part of Microsoft Office) can come to your aid - a program that allows you to create and demonstrate bright presentations on any topic that interests you, here and now. And although the technology of creating multimedia presentations is studied by modern students of pedagogical universities, for quite a large number of practicing teachers, such a tool is unfamiliar. So what can we achieve by creating and showing students a presentation?

  • The information you want to convey can be illustrated with high-quality image materials that will not depend on the print quality of your printer - namely, reproductions, diagrams, photos, as well as audio and video materials.
  • The advantages outlined in the previous paragraph will attract the attention of students, will allow them to create their own, individual associations of the correspondence of information to the illustrative material you have selected - this makes it possible to differentiate the selection of material according to the needs of a specific group of children.
  • Having built the process of showing the presentation "by click", that is, when the transition to the next point occurs after clicking the left mouse button, you can adjust the pace of the presentation of the material to the needs of the audience directly during the demonstration process and leave time for possible explanations and clarifications, which is not allowed, for example, watching a movie
  • You don't have to spend time organizing materials before the lesson - by creating a presentation once and saving it on electronic media, you can use it at any time.
  • Since you are not dependent on the author, as is the case with ready-made language learning programs, you will be able to create a presentation that meets your requirements, the needs of the students and the style of presentation of the material.
  • Having created your own presentation that meets the program requirements of this particular class, you can make it available to students for independent study at home, because it is no secret that there are practically no computer programs focused on the work system adopted at school - in most cases, they are created according to the author's methods and are not very convenient for use in the course of the lesson.
  • And not the last thing - working in the Power Point environment is studied in the computer science course, accordingly, you will be able to have another reason to cooperate with students, sharing the acquired experience, asking for help or involving them in work - and this already works on the image and is by no means not the last advantage in the presented list.

So, you are interested in this form of work? But if you are completely unfamiliar with working in Power Point, do not despair. Here are some tips from the experience of mastering this resource:

View ready-made student presentations that were created in computer science classes. Find those that are closest to you in terms of aesthetic design and content - their authors can become your consultants.

With the help of a computer science teacher, create several trial presentations together with your consultant - in my own experience, I am convinced that this is the easiest way compared to trying to master Power Point on your own with the help of a textbook or training program.

Organize your work according to the following plan:

Preparatory stage.

Choose an educational topic and the purpose of creating a presentation: introducing the material and demonstrating its clarity or practical application of knowledge (filling in the gaps in the given words and sentences, answering questions according to the presented material, describing an illustration using the words just learned, discussing comments on a photo or pictures, etc.) or a combination of both aspects, think about what place the presentation should occupy in the structure of the lesson.

Creating a presentation.

Write a script in which you structure the material by slides, give a title to each slide of the presentation, and select visual audio, video and visual material.

Decide on colors and style of fonts and slides. Although the wealth of Power Point tools tempts to use them all, remember: the work should have no more than two types and colors of the font, the stylistic decision of the background should not make an aggressive and tiring impression, because we want to draw the attention of the audience not to the colors - after all, the final the product should not resemble a low-quality commercial.

If you are still gaining experience as a Power Point user, ask the consultant to set the change of slides and effects "by click" - this way you will protect yourself from a fiasco during the demonstration.

Test your product on third-party viewers and adjust your presentation based on their feedback.

Application of the presentation in the lesson.

While preparing for the lesson, practice managing the presentation €œ it's awkward to look like a "teapot" if you forget what and how. During the summation of the lesson, ask the children to express their impression of using a new learning tool, so that their comments can be taken into account in further work. The demonstration of the presentation can be repeated in the next lesson at the stage of language warm-up or activation of basic knowledge, as well as in the final lesson - then you can instruct the students to comment on the presentation slides. And even if you teach a class of "advanced hackers" and they are not at all impressed by your titanic efforts - well, here's a topic for a joint project! Don't hesitate to ask for help from students - it's never too late to learn.