Uses of electronic dictionary

new and difficult words. As technology is evolving fast, we are seeing the abundance of new educational resources among which electronic dictionary is one.

Uses of electronic dictionary

Dictionaries have always been a part and parcel of learning a language. Previously, it was paper dictionaries that helped learners in finding meanings and usage of new and difficult words. As technology is evolving fast, we are seeing the abundance of new educational resources among which electronic dictionary is one.

The two types of computerized tools used for educational purposes are either dictionary type or lesson type which offer a syllabus to be followed. E-dictionaries are those portable digital dictionaries that are powered by battery. It further has different types: portable, online, app form and plugin dictionary.

Electronic dictionaries might come in form of glossaries, word dictionary or translators. In a word dictionary, users look up meanings of words by typing text, glossaries help users to get glosses for different phrases or words as they paste a text while translators offer translation of the whole text passage.

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Learning foreign language essentially needs an e-dictionary, although it does not guarantee higher level processing or reading comprehension. However, these dictionaries ensure authentic reading and vocabulary learning. Paper dictionaries are now losing their importance in a learner life as dictionary usage on cell phones is becoming students„¢ favourite option to look up new words.

Recent surveys on dictionary use reveal that students love to use smartphone apps and online dictionaries more than portable ones. A moderate trend towards using Google Translate is also seen on rise. Reasons for increasing use of online dictionaries include their user-friendliness, ubiquity and multipurpose functions. E-glossaries present detailed use of words like meaningful units, gloss and context.