What is a VPN server and how can you use it

The VPN helps you visit all the web pages, and, in addition, it keeps all the information you put inside the platform protected.

What is a VPN server and how can you use it
VPN server,VPN, what is a VPN, WiFi connections, web pages, IP address changes, censored, Network and Internet, VPN on Linux, VPN on a Mac, VPN on Android, iOS VPN,

The VPN helps you visit all the web pages, and, in addition, it keeps all the information you put inside the platform protected. When you find yourself in a place where you want to find some information, or enter a web page, and you can't, the first thing you think is that you need a tool to help you solve that situation. What is a VPN server and how can you use it

The VPN helps you visit all the web pages, and, in addition, it keeps all the information you put inside the platform protected. Thus, you can carry out different operations without your personal data being at risk.

You just need to make sure that the VPN you download contains all the necessary requirements to work properly on your computer or mobile device.

What is a VPN?

The first thing you should know is the meaning of VPN; once you know this, you should keep in mind that the VPN server allows you to use a network without being physically in the same place as your computer, and many other advantages.

However, what currently makes the VPN one of the best options for your device is that it has data tunnels. When you connect to a network, you generally also connect to an Internet provider to enjoy all the services of the Websites; but with the VPN connection, it is possible to maintain it through the server and not directly to the Internet.

From the VPN, all network traffic goes directly to the server, although it also goes through the Internet provider. In this way, it remains connected and with an encryption code so that the information is totally secure and cannot be viewed by anyone else.

Advantages of having a VPN

  • It works perfectly in all the applications you want: This is because it is responsible for routing Internet traffic, and not in the same way that proxy servers do.
  • You can quickly turn it on and off: After the VPN is set up on your device, it's very easy to turn it on or off in case you don't want to use it at a certain time.
  • Offers security to your personal data: When it comes to WiFi connections, the most important thing is that the information contains encryption to keep it safe, and away from the reach of another person.
  • Helps you avoid censorship: If you are in a country where some pages are blocked or censored, with the use of a VPN you can access them. This is because your IP address changes, and makes it appear that you are really in another location.
  • Prevent Internet providers from having access to your information and the pages you frequently visit.

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How to use a VPN?

Currently, all operating systems allow a VPN connection, without the need to install another program. The only thing you need to have is the data to access the server, the address, the type and all the credentials.

After having this information, if you want to use a VPN you must configure it to the operating system that your device has. Although they are available to everyone, in each one you have to follow different steps.

VPN on Windows

Regardless of the type of Windows your computer has, you can set up a VPN, the only catch is that the encryption types are easier in older versions.

  • Enter the option for the ''Network and Sharing Center''.
  • Click on ''Create a new connection''.
  • Next, select ''Connect to a work network''.
  • Complete all the information requested, including the type of VPN you will use, the server details, and the credentials.
  • Done, you can now use the VPN.

In case your device has the version of Windows 10 available, the steps are similar:

  • You must open the computer options, and select ''Network and Internet''.
  • Locate the VPN option.
  • Click and select to add a new VPN connection.
  • Complete all the data requested to activate the VPN.

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VPN on Linux

In this case, if it is necessary to install a Network-manager-vpnc package, this process may take a while, however, you can do it through the software manager or through the command line.

  • You must select the network icon, which is presented with two arrows, at the top of the screen.
  • Choose the option ˜˜VPN Connections-Configure VPN„¢„¢.
  • The next thing is to add the file.
  • And, finally, complete all the information requested to enjoy all the VPN services.

How to use VPN on a Mac?

  • You must enter the ''System Preferences'' and select the Network option.
  • Press the ''add +'' option, which is located at the bottom of the network services.
  • Click on ˜˜VPN„¢„¢.
  • Complete all the information to finish the VPN configuration and enjoy its services.

VPN on Android

Android devices have their own VPN, however, the way they can be used may vary slightly depending on the version installed on the device, or the changes it has received. But the most common is to activate it in the following way:

  • Look for phone settings.
  • Once there, you open the options and you must enter ''Wireless networks'' or Network connections. Depending on the phone model, the name may vary.
  • Look for ''Other or More Networks''.
  • In the VPN option you must click +, and create your connection.
  • Complete all the information requested, to finally activate the VPN.


The process on this type of device is simpler than it seems, and you don't need to install another additional program.

  • Enter device settings.
  • Look for the ˜˜General„¢„¢ option.
  • Select ˜˜VPN„¢„¢.
  • Once there, you must press the option to add a configuration to the VPN.
  • Choose the type of VPN you are going to use, the server, and enter all the necessary data for its activation.