What is an automotive engineering degree?
but it does not mean that there is no way automotive engineering works in Pakistan. What is an automotive engineering degree.

A degree in automotive engineering is used for studying cars and vehicles in a much more detailed manner. The use of vehicular engineering is extremely important in every field especially when it comes to automotive. It is currently not studied a lot in Pakistan as people presume that it does not have a lot of further future career opportunities however this is simply not the case. Due to the lack of current automotive production in Pakistan business indeed tends to run slow, but it does not mean that there is no way automotive engineering works in Pakistan. What is an automotive engineering degree.
An automotive engineering degree is an extremely tough degree, it revolves around the use of mechanics, electronics and Physics to completely understand everything that happens in a mechanical vehicle. This includes the engine, pistons, chassis and everything including the interior. Automotive engineers are used for quality control, general maintenance, high level repairs and even the production and design of future vehicles by a particular company.
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Automotive engineers if graduating from a prestigious university can expect a handsome salary with numerous benefits if employed in a good company showing that they have the particular skill to command it. Automotive Engineering is accredited by the HEC in Pakistan and only a handful of universities teach this lengthy and hard course. It is further exemplified by the fact that there is a very low amount of Automotive Engineers graduating each year due to the general difficulty of the course. The institutes which do offer it focus a lot of time and effort into the course to make sure graduating students are equipped to deal with any vehicle or challenge that comes along their way. The career paths for automotive engineering are generally limited but so is the marketplace for almost every engineering degree.
Automotive engineering is recommended for students who love vehicles more than anything and are ready to spend four years trying to deciphers and unravel everything there is about a vehicle. This is the reason why Automotive engineering tends to be hard.