What is Cambridge assessment international?

teach basic concepts and not to rely on memorization rather than inferential topics and concepts. Cambridge assessment international.

What is Cambridge assessment international?
What is Cambridge assessment international?

The Cambridge assessment international examinations or CAIE for short are one of the leading private institutions for examinations and general course syllabi in the recent years. They are followed all over the world especially in third world countries where public schooling might be lacking, They are mainly focused for students who belong in the upper middle class of society who can afford the high examination fees and also the more expensive teachers. The syllabus itself is designed by Cambridge university and is meant to help and inform students about the realities of the world and help them teach basic concepts and not to rely on memorization rather than inferential topics and concepts. Cambridge assessment international.

The Cambridge international education system has been operating since a large amount o time. They have now spread throughout the world and are quite standardized and accredited when it comes to testing. This has led them to rapidly grow especially in third world countries and book large examination halls for thousands of student across a large amount of cities every year.

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The Cambridge assessment international examinations have charged a high amount of fees for certification charges for their O level or ordinary level and a level advanced level degree program. These can range from 30 to about 70 pounds which is quite a hefty amount. However, to most the price is worth it as they receive a quality education and are unable to easily get into a university abroad if they have good grades without the useless jargon of entry tests bogging them down. The degree in itself is accredited and recognized throughout the globe which is quite beneficial for student who wish to pursue education abroad.

The Cambridge assessment international examination however, has bred a new breed of schools where students are culturally discriminated against if they do not belong to the same socio economic culture giving precedence to elitist thoughts and ideas which is not healthy for students. Therefore, it is important for local arguments to learn from the Cambridge assessment international examinations and for them to implement their own curriculum in the works.