What is IELTS will tell you how do you prepare for it?
What is IELTS and what is it about? We advise you on how to prepare for the IELTS exam.

What is IELTS will tell you how do you prepare for it?
What is IELTS and what is it about? We advise you on how to prepare for the IELTS exam.
During your educational path, whether in your teens or adults, you come across a variety of certifications that are backed up by previous exams. One of these language exams is IELTS. Today we will tell you more details about it and why you should take this exam. You will learn how many and what parts the test consists of and what possibilities it offers. We invite you to read!
What is IELTS?
As we mentioned, this is one of the language exams. Currently one of the most popular tests. IELTS, followed by International English Language Testing. The system is accepted by over 9,000 different institutions almost all over the world, including government agencies, universities and professional organizations.
This certificate is also recognized as a language proficiency certificate for immigrants. It is important to take the IELTS exam if you are planning a longer trip or move to English-speaking countries. It is worth mentioning here that the certificate confirming passing the IELTS exam may also be useful, but we will tell about it a bit later. The exam itself focuses on your communicativeness and everyday language skills. It shows whether we are able to cope with living in an English-speaking country. In other words - it shows your real language knowledge. This exam checks the understanding of texts and the knowledge of practical vocabulary. Remember that the test results are valid for two years, When registering for the exam, you get access to many useful online materials.
What does the IELTS exam look like?
We will now tell you what the IELTS exam looks like, The deadlines for this exam are on average 2 times a month, and the results are obtained in less than 2 weeks. When deciding on this test, we have two options:
- Academic - this module is dedicated to people who want to start studies in an English-speaking country or study in English. It focuses on scientific aspects, grammatical and linguistic correctness.
- General Training - this module is dedicated to people who want to work in English-speaking companies or are going for an internship or are planning a migration.
Both versions of the IELST exam consist of 4 parts:
Listening - this part lasts 40 minutes. It consists of 40 questions. These tests relate to selecting multiple-choice answers or filling in gaps.
Readings - this part lasts 60 minutes and consists of 3 texts of various forms, e.g. magazines. There are 40 questions waiting for you here, to which you must provide the correct answer.
Writing - This part takes a total of 60 minutes. The first part lasts 20 minutes, i.e. explaining a short graphic form - you need to describe the information presented, and the second part lasts 40 minutes and you have to share your opinion on the topic.
Speaking - this part takes approximately 15 minutes. It consists of three parts. First you have to tell something about yourself and answer the questions asked by the examiner, for example about work. Then the picture is described, and then the examiner asks a variety of questions about it. This allows you to test the ability to create abstract statements. The entire exam is recorded.
The oral part of the exam is usually held on the same day as the written part. Sometimes it can be agreed up to 7 days before or after the written part. The exam is graded on a point scale (from 1 to 9 points) in each part and the final - summative grade, also on a scale from 1 to 9. Of course, 1 means almost complete lack of language skills, where 9 is fluent. When applying to English-speaking universities, it is usually required to pass this exam with a minimum level of 6 or 7 points. Below is the rating scale:
Why is it worth taking IELTS?
As we mentioned before, the IELTS exam can come in handy in various situations. Due to the fact that it has been developed by world experts, it gives us various development opportunities, including:
- When we plan to move to an English-speaking country,
- When we plan to do a scholarship in an English-speaking country,
- When we want to study in an English-speaking country (we don't know if you know, but this exam is accepted by over 11,000 different universities in 140 countries - both private and public).
- When we apply for a job in an English-speaking company or one where advanced language skills are required.
- When you want to go to Canada, Australia or New Zealand.
- When you want your language knowledge to be objectively assessed.
How to pass IELTS?
But let's move on to the most important issue - how to pass the IELTS exam. Can you do it yourself? Depending on your knowledge of the language, this is rather possible. However, if you think that your English requires improvement, we encourage you to use a variety of books and textbooks.
Before the exam, it is necessary to take countless tests and exams such as IELTS - this will allow you to get used to its formula. Surrounding yourself with the English language is also a good way - watching English-language series, movies or reading. You can learn a lot on your own, but it requires a lot of discipline and self-denial, so we also encourage you to take advantage of dedicated courses or additional classes.
Even if you have a good command of English and feel confident in this area, it is a good idea to meet a teacher who has experience preparing their students for the IELTS exam. Sometimes, even having a lot of knowledge, the formula of the exam may surprise us, and therefore it may go worse than we would have liked. If you are looking for help in preparing for such a test, or you want to improve your knowledge of English and other subjects, you can take a look at different offers offered by institutes. We wish you fruitful learning and passing the exam!