What is Technology?

The technoscience refers to all global human activities related to technology combined with the scientific method. What is Technology. We find

What is Technology?
What is Technology?

The technoscience refers to all global human activities related to technology combined with the scientific method. What is Technology.

We find it from the early development of basic technologies for hunting and agriculture or animal husbandry to the achievement of nuclear applications, biotechnology, robotics and computer science.

In some philosophical studies of science and technology there is an alternative and narrow use of technoscience.

In this case, technoscience refers precisely to the technological and social context of science, recognizing that scientific knowledge is not only socially and historically encoded and located, but also is stable and durable due to material (inhuman) networks.

The origin of technoscience

Technoscience argues that the fields of science and technology are interconnected and growing together, in addition, scientific knowledge requires a technological infrastructure to be able to maintain and develop.

This last philosophical use of the concept of technoscience was created by the French philosopher Gaston Bacellar in 1953, and was popularized in the French world by the Belgian philosopher Gilbert Hottois. However, it was not used academically until early 2000.

Object of technoscience

At the descriptive-analytical level, scientific and technical research studies the crucial role of science and technology in the development of knowledge. At the deconstructive level, theoretical work on technology is carried out in order to critically consider scientific practice.

And at a promising level, the concept of technology covers a number of social, literary, artistic and material technologies of Western cultures in the third millennium.

The latter is carried out in order to focus on the interaction of previously separated areas and on the issue of traditional demarcation of borders.

One of the goals is to expand the term "technology" to discuss opportunities to participate in the production of knowledge and think about different strategic alliances.

Impact on society

Technology exists in a social context, because the development of technology, although stimulated by techno-scientific topics, is an integral social process.

It also exists in a political context, as both science and technology are tools that constantly change social structures and behavior.

Technological science can be seen as a form of government or can have the power of power through its influence on society.

This impact extends to health, safety, the environment and beyond. Techno-scientific innovations create fundamental changes and dramatically change people's lifestyles.

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For example, social networks give voters in every country an almost real picture of what is happening in the election.

Technological science in the environmental context has also had a great impact. Chemical engineers and their scientific knowledge have helped set the agenda for many environmental issues.

The relationship between science and technology

Technoscience comes in several versions. It can be considered as:

  • Interdependence of science and technology.
  • It is seen as a process of circulation of various artifacts and texts that mediate and translate into the world.
  • Take into account as the primary means of constructing and appearing complex and heterogeneous figures - like cyborgs - aspects that can deeply shape our understanding and connection with nature and society.

Although science and technology can be considered separately, technology is extremely important in research.

Technology is needed to make the necessary tools to observe and manipulate the objects under study, and what can be achieved with them often determines the priorities of the study.

Sometimes technology creates research objects, and sometimes technological innovations (medical or agricultural) are the immediate goal of research.

It is this image of research projects that the vanguard of science is one that uses the technological contribution to research and that directly or indirectly contributes to human power to intervene and control the world.

It simply points to the ubiquity of technology in all aspects of a particular scientific study. So much so that it can sometimes seem arbitrary to try to distinguish what science is from that technology.

Of course, given that economic growth is a priority for most of these institutions, and they are the ones that provide the material and social conditions for scientific and technological research, it is likely that the future and scientific and technological progress will continue.

However, scientific and technological innovation will primarily reflect the interests of these institutions, and the prevailing trend among scientists will continue to be the choice to participate in research that stimulates these achievements and scientific and technological innovation.

In technology, the latest technology is used to make tools, experimental objects, new tools and structures that allow us to know and learn about new areas and opportunities that can be done through new practical, industrial, medical innovations. or military.

Even when scientific and technological innovation is not the direct goal of a research project, scientific and technical products and new innovations are needed for research so that technological and scientific innovation can be a by-product of creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of various studies.

Such tools can be measurements, observations and interventions, experimental devices and computing devices with powerful computing power for data analysis.

The vanguard of technological science becomes the one who uses the technological contribution to research, and who directly or indirectly promotes our power to intervene and control the world, so that the knowledge gained in scientific and technical research has a direct impact on research behavior.