What is the difference between USB-C and USB 3.1?

After the arrival of the MacBook the world has opened all the debates about USB. Is type C really better? How is USB-C different from regular USB?
USB-C is not new, but it has come to the fore thanks to the new 12" MacBook that Apple launched just a few months ago, which surprised locals and strangers alike by integrating a single multifunction port.
Apple says that for comfort and aesthetics, although, why not say it, it seems made with the sale of additional adapters in mind.
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However, there are many rumors that have arisen around this multifunctional USB type C that are not entirely true. It is true that this connector allows more features than the traditional one, but it is not superman, after all it is still a simple connector, without denying that it is a step forward over the standard USB.
This type of connector is the logical evolution of the USB that we have always known. Several updates to the USB standard have passed (now in 3), but the connector has remained the same. Its use is more widespread than ever, despite the fact that it is large, old and can only be connected in one direction. Being such a large connector, manufacturers began to create smaller versions of it, such as the USB Mini and the USB Micro.
Apple invented USB-C, but doesn't want anyone to know
However, this connector outperforms previous upgrades when it comes to power. The 3.1 has updated the USB 3.0 standard to a speed of 10 Gbits/s, a present and future data transfer speed.
The USB association created in July 2013 the new version of the standard protocol, USB 3.1 with a higher data transfer rate called SuperSpeed €¹€¹USB 10Gbit/s, published by the USB-IF.
This type of connector maximizes the charging speed that it can transmit, it is smaller, it can be inserted from any side and it also allows the USB Power Delivery function that establishes an electrical transfer limit of up to 100 W, enough to charge your smartphone, tablet , and even laptop
This USB-C means the elimination of all chargers from future laptops. A multipurpose connector in which, in addition to charging your device, you can charge your laptop with the charger that you want, not with the one that comes by default, you can even charge it with an external battery if you wish.
This, without a doubt, opens a great projection to USB-C while the inevitable extinction of traditional USB begins.
Another advantage of USB-C is that all devices will use this same connector. In addition, the cables will have the same terminations, eliminating the multitude of different cables that we have to use today, one for the camera, another for the mobile, another for the laptop, etc.
In addition, USB Type-C, being nothing more than a connector, supports various protocols using alternative modes, which allows it to be used as digital video and audio output (HDMI), DisplayPort output, analog video output (VGA) etc.
Clarifications USB-C vs USB 3.1
Sometimes distinguishing between one and the other is complicated, although physically they are different it is easy to find "a pig in a hare". There will be devices with a USB-C connector that use the USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 protocol (USB 3.1 Gen 1), and others that use USB 3.1 (USB 3.1 Gen 2).
We can also find USB-C that do not support the USB Power Delivery specification, or that there are ports with said specification that do not have a USC Type-C connector. So before choosing one or the other, we recommend you study its characteristics in detail.