What kind of job can you find after a technical secondary school? Earnings, opportunities
What job after technical school? This question is asked by many young people who are planning their future professional career. Check

What job after technical school? This question is asked by many young people who are planning their future professional career. Check if...
aka job after technical school? This question is asked by many young people who are planning their future professional career. Check if there is work after the technical school, what courses of study you can choose and what earnings you can count on.
Making a decision about choosing a high school or technical college is not easy. Graduates of primary schools who do not yet think about their future professional career, most often recruit for high school. In turn, those who want to gain a reliable and well-paid profession choose a technician. In the articles on the GoWork.pl blog, we discussed the deficit of professionals on the labor market. For this reason, the choice of a technical college seems to be the most reasonable. Especially that candidates can choose from many different fields of study that will surely match their interests. An employee with a hand in hand, practical skills and a lot of theoretical knowledge is worth its weight in gold. Moreover, work after a technical school often turns out to be more profitable than the one after five years of study.
Work after an IT technical college
The demand for specialists in the IT industry is growing year by year, which is primarily influenced by the development of technology. Workers in this sector usually have no reason to complain about low wages or unsatisfactory employment conditions. No wonder that young people more and more often decide to start learning at an IT technical college. These schools provide solid preparation for many different specializations - depending on the institution, students can choose from, among others:
- Creating computer games;
- Internal security and forensics;
- Robotics;
- Programming;
- Computer graphics;
- Internet applications;
- Information systems and computer networks.
An IT technician has knowledge and skills in the field of designing local computer networks and network administration, installation and operation of personal computers and peripheral devices, as well as creating internet applications and databases, and database administration. Upon graduation, they can become service technicians, webmasters, web designers, programmers, application developers, graphic designers, animation makers, computer software testers, game testers, or computer network administrators. Therefore, work for a computer scientist after a technical secondary school will be in places such as:
- Computer services;
- Cell phone repair services;
- IT enterprises;
- Advertising and marketing agencies.
Work after an economic technical college
Technology with an economic profile are the second most frequently chosen secondary schools in Poland, after IT. Studies related to economics are also gaining huge popularity. Therefore, finding a job after a technical secondary school of economics may be difficult. People who are still considering choosing a school with this profile will be prepared to perform the following professional tasks: accounting, planning and running a business, performing analyzes and preparing reports on the activities of companies, calculating taxes, operating accounting programs and others. Graduates of the technical secondary school of economics will be able to look for employment in places such as:
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- Tax offices;
- Administration offices;
- Brokerage houses;
- Banks;
- Associations and foundations;
- Insurance companies
It cannot be denied that the professional title of a technician is less valued than a master's degree.
Work after a logistics technical college
The logistics industry is one of the fastest growing in Poland, and the demand for logistics is growing in almost every sector - IT, chemical or e-commerce. No wonder that logistics techniques are eagerly chosen by primary school graduates. During the five-year education, students are prepared to perform various professional tasks, incl. organizing the work of the warehouse, servicing warehouse programs, keeping warehouse documentation, receiving storing and issuing goods from the warehouse, or documenting transport processes. School graduates have a chance to become, inter alia, warehouse managers, warehousemen, production and inventory planning specialists, transport and forwarding specialists, or sales and distribution specialists.
Work after the logistics technical college awaits in places such as:
- Logistics and shipping companies;
- Large retail chains;
- Offices of administrative units;
- Production and service enterprises;
- Domestic and international transport companies;
- Distribution centers;
- Central and regional warehouses.
Work after a construction technical school
The demand for professionals from the construction sector has not decreased for years. Therefore, it should not be surprising that secondary schools with a construction profile are very popular. Graduates of elementary schools who decide to continue their studies in construction techniques, will gain knowledge in the field of: bricklaying and plastering, preparing cost estimates and preparing tender documentation or organizing and controlling construction works. They will also learn about the tools, technologies, materials and machines used in this profession. Work after the construction technical school will be in:
- Construction companies;
- Design offices;
- Property management companies;
- Construction supervision offices;
- Factories and warehouses of building materials;
- Building administrations.
It all depends on the specialization they have, the place and city of employment, as well as experience. People who decide to continue their studies will be able to become specialists in many different fields - architectural, railway, road, demolition, installation of thermal, electrical, energy, sewage, ventilation and other devices. This, in turn, will translate into even greater earnings.
Work after a trade technical college
Trade is one of the most dynamically developing branches of the Polish economy. Choosing a trade technical college may result in a reliable and well-paid job in the future. During five years of study, students gain knowledge in the use of commercial, computer and warehouse programs, business management, advertising and marketing, preparation of economic and technical documentation, performing tasks related to customer service and others. Graduates of the school have the chance to become sales specialists, customer service clerks, merchandisers, sales managers, regional managers or sourcing specialists.
A job after a commercial technical school can be found in places such as:
- Manufacturing companies;
- Financial enterprises;
- Banks;
- Customer service departments;
- Marketing departments;
- Warehouses and wholesalers.
Sales technicians do not complain about the lack of job offers and earnings.
Work after a gastronomic technical college
The dynamic development of the catering industry means that the market is full of jobs for chefs, chefs, bartenders and waiters. People who want to get a well-paid profession, as well as learn the secrets of the culinary art, often decide to choose gastronomic technicians. During five years of study, they acquire knowledge and skills in the use of modern equipment for food preparation, organization of catering services and special events, food storage, preparation and decoration of dishes and drinks, using computer programs. Depending on the institution, in addition to specializations such as cook and confectioner, candidates can choose e.g. a bartender, dietitian, elements of world cuisine and others.
Work at the gastronomic technical college awaits in places such as:
- Hotels, guesthouses, agritourism farms;
- Sanatoriums;
- Restaurants;
- Mass catering establishments (canteens in schools, hospitals, workplaces);
- Catering companies;
- Companies dealing with the organization of special events.
Work after an electronic technical school
Choosing an electronic technical school seems to be a reasonable idea. People who decide to continue their education in an electronic secondary school will gain knowledge and skills in the field of installation and commissioning of electrical machines and devices on the basis of technical documentation, assessing the technical condition of machines and devices, locating and removing damage, as well as assessing the technical condition.
Work at the electronic technical school awaits in places such as:
Service points for the repair of electrical machines and common use equipment;
- Electrical installation companies;
- Plants producing electrical machinery and equipment;
- Power plants and energy plants;
- Plants that exploit electricity.
Finding employment after a technical secondary school should not be a big problem. Especially if we decide to choose the professions for which there is currently a huge demand on the labor market.