What reaction will students and educators have when Institutes are closed down

been laid off their jobs or have been given lower salaries. What reaction will students and educators have when Institutes are closed down.

What reaction will students and educators have when Institutes are closed down
What reaction will students and educators have when Institutes are closed down

According to a recent press release, schools and all educational institutions will be completely closed down by 26th November. This is quite troubling for the educational system of Pakistan as children have already suffered through a lot of turmoil due to their schools being closed down for really long times. However, as COVID-19 cases have been increasing rapidly throughout the country. Educators have also been in disarray for quite a while as most of them have been laid off their jobs or have been given lower salaries. What reaction will students and educators have when Institutes are closed down.

While online education is something that can be done by private schools and richer universities, most of Pakistan students are currently studying in schools that are present in rural areas with students that are unable to afford equipment that lets them take classes online. While most students now have access to a smartphone that should theoretically allow them to attend online classes, connectivity problems are still a real issue and signals have already plagued Pakistan for a long time.

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Moreover, Pakistan currently is facing huge issues in terms of the Internet as well. The broadband average speeds are quite slow in Pakistan and most students will not be able to connect properly to classes even if they receive signals in their areas. Moreover, children have exploited the online system by cheating in exams and Googling answers without using gaining any knowledge.

Universities have already been focusing the online way of teaching for a long time so they should not face any real issues. However, even their examination cells have cites issues regarding the use of online examinations and have not been completely in favor of it. As we move on further and further into the pandemic it is of paramount importance that students are kept safe.

In no real surprise, children are extremely happy and elated regarding the fact that institutes will be closed down. It gives them even more time to relax and they can now easily complete their courses as they generally feel more comfortable studying online at home.