When the fear is greater than the real threat
the psychiatric disorders. It affects a growing group of people of all ages. Find out more about it. fear is greater than the real threat.

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is one of the psychiatric disorders. It affects a growing group of people of all ages. Find out more about it. fear is greater than the real threat.
Fear appears in every person. Thanks to it, we are able to avoid many dangers. Since the dawn of mankind, man has been exposed to numerous threats, which is why he has developed certain defense mechanisms. Feelings of fear and anxiety are among them, but sometimes they are not related to real danger. Then we are dealing with various mental disorders.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder - What do I need to know?
More and more is being said and written about mental illnesses that develop, inter alia, in from anxiety neurosis. This makes them no longer taboo. Generalized anxiety disorder is associated not only with the feelings of people suffering from this disorder but also with quite characteristic somatic symptoms. In medical terminology, it has appeared relatively recently as a separate mental illness.
The causes of generalized anxiety
It is believed that the development of anxiety disorders is fostered not only by difficult life experiences and traumas but also by the fast pace of life and certain psychological conditions. Each of us is exposed to a number of stimuli with potentially harmful effects on the psyche, but not everyone is able to deal with them. Excessive overload of the nervous system in combination with certain character traits and the lack of support from the environment may be one of the reasons for the development of various anxiety disorders.
Generalized anxiety disorder is a chronic disease that requires appropriate treatment and the support of a therapist. Psychotherapy incl. behavioral and cognitive therapy and appropriately selected drugs help to reduce bothersome symptoms, facilitating normal functioning in society.
Generalized anxiety disorder - symptoms
It is difficult to describe what a person experiencing constant fear feels in situations that do not cause unpleasant sensations for others. when symptoms persist for a minimum of 6 months, causing both a strong, unjustified fear and constant worry.
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People diagnosed with generalized drug syndrome also often suffer from other mental disorders. depression, social phobia, and artical-traumatic stress disorder. Sick people are unable to control their symptoms, which causes a gradual withdrawal from normal life and submission to anxiety at home and outside. The typical symptoms of generalized anxiety include:
- Insomnia,
- Fatigue,
- Frequent feeling of anxiety
- Dizziness,
- Feeling of fainting approaching,
- Nervousness,
- Irritability, changeable moods,
- Excessive muscle tension,
- Palpitations,
- Hyperhidrosis,
- Digestive system disorders,
- A general feeling of being unwell.
The occurrence of panic attacks of varying severity and the so-called fear of fear, which affects every sphere of private life and professional life. People suffering from generalized anxiety disorder cease to function normally in society, which has an impact on their mental health, leading to exacerbation of symptoms.
Important! Symptoms typical of generalized anxiety may also have a different background, so the key, in this case, is a thorough and quick diagnosis. Somatic and mental symptoms:
- Endocrine diseases,
- Tumors of the central nervous system,
- Labyrinth diseases,
- Heart diseases,
- Metabolic diseases,
- Addiction to psychoactive substances.
In summary, generalized anxiety disorder is a serious psychiatric condition that disrupts normal functioning. Symptoms of the nervous system and somatic symptoms associated with generalized anxiety may vary in severity, and the patient is not able to cope with them on his own, subordinating his life to anxiety and worry. An indirect effect of the disease is the loss of joy in life and the emergence of other mental illnesses, including depression.