Where and how to earn extra money for a teacher: interesting ideas and resources

while working on their own program, without paperwork and with a flexible work schedule. Where and how to earn extra money for a teacher.

Where and how to earn extra money for a teacher: interesting ideas and resources

If you decide to change your profession or expand your professional interests Every year more and more teachers prefer a related profession - tutoring. This can be both a decent part-time job and the main type of professional activity. After all, a good tutor can have a high income, while working on their own program, without paperwork, and with a flexible work schedule. Where and how to earn extra money for a teacher.

Unfortunately, no university prepares for the profession of a tutor. Therefore, the specifics of the work of a private teacher must be mastered independently by trial and error, even by experienced teachers. How to avoid fatal mistakes at the beginning of work? How to enjoy the profession and prevent burnout? Here are some tips to help you get started.

Discuss all the details of cooperation at the initial stage

This primarily applies to the expected result, cases of cancellation or articalponement of classes, as well as the terms and conditions of payment. It is best to coordinate all organizational aspects on the eve of classes or during the first meeting acquaintance. This will help avoid misunderstandings in the process of further interaction.

It is best to create a memo in advance, were to write down all the obligations of the parties. If you work under a contract - they should be spelled out directly in this document.

Follow the agreements

Make it a rule not to be late for class and not to articalpone a lesson on your own initiative without extreme necessity. Prove not in words but in deeds that you are a professional in your field, and show by your own example that you need to take classes seriously, as well as valuable time for yourself and others.

Prepare for each lesson according to the student's request. If you are not sure, do not promise, and if you still promise, be sure to keep your word!

All cancellations are solely due to parents

Remember: absolutely all children cheat. The reasons for this can be varied, but the question is not the reasons, but the consequences.

Sometimes a student writes to a tutor who is ill and at the same time tells the parents that the lesson was canceled by the tutor himself due to a trip, his own illness, or something else. Or there may be situations when a student goes for a walk instead of a lesson. And the money given by parents for classes with a tutor spends at its discretion. At the same time, parents are sure that their child is spending time at this time, "gnawing the granite of science." This can go on for a long time until the truth comes out or some trouble happens.

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To prevent such a situation, ask parents to coordinate all articalponements and cancellations of classes with you personally.

Create a "financial pillow"

One of the key disadvantages of the tutoring profession is income instability. Its fluctuations can depend on many factors. Thus, during the summer holidays, the demand is much lower than in September-October. On the eve of the New Year holidays, cancellations begin a week or two before the New Year and last until mid-January. And throughout the school year, students get sick, articalpone classes or refuse altogether, and you are left without a job and expected income.

Experts advise dividing your monthly income into three equal parts - one-third you use for current expenses, the second third - set aside for the purchase of valuables, and the third is not occupied until force majeure. If you are just planning to change your profession with a stable income, make sure to create a "financial cushion", the existence of which will help you feel confident in the early stages of work.

Engage in promotion

So where to get customers? If you are a teacher with extensive experience at school, then a stable income can provide you with a "sundress radio". In addition to you can come to your students, their friends, or acquaintances. And what if you do not have your own fruitfully developed over the years "base"? Don't worry, there are actually many options!

  • First, you can create a tutoring profile for free at Universe. Registration of a specialized profile on the all-platform will help to find students not only from your place but also from any region.
  • Secondly, you can leave ads in thematic groups, for example, constant updating of the news feed on Facebook will allow all subscribers of the group to see your message. A potentially interesting offer will allow you to find your potential students faster.
  • Third, students' own thematic blog on popular social networks will help attract students. Distributing interesting content will allow you to increase the audience of subscribers. Among them will definitely be your potential students who want to deepen their knowledge of the subject during individual lessons with a tutor.

For inspiration, we offer materials with selections of steep channels on TikTok and YouTube.

Keep learning new!

Don't let work become routine. In order not to fall into the psychological trap of "walking in a circle" from year to year while mastering the same program material with students, improve your knowledge and skills.

There is an indisputable advantage in the work of a tutor. The lack of leadership, which accumulates meaningless work, but there is also a clear disadvantage. There are no colleagues who are ready at any time to share experiences and provide advice. However, thanks to the Internet, you can find almost any information you need about teaching methods, interesting techniques, and more.