Which education system is the most effective in Pakistan?

experiences with education with the policies and strategies of their own choice. Which education system is the most effective in Pakistan.

Which education system is the most effective in Pakistan?

It is a never-ending debate as to which educational system is the most effective in Pakistan. Over the past 72 years since its birth, the country has seen several education policies, which have produced variant education systems across the country. Each government experiences with education with the policies and strategies of their own choice. Which education system is the most effective in Pakistan.

The education system in the country has become like a poorly tailored suit, which is unsewn and resewn every time a political party comes into power. Each new government appoints its favourite policy and decision makers who fail to improve the education system of the country. Currently there are three types of educational systems in the country; public sector, madrasahs and private sector.

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Private sector is further divided into two levels, the expensive elite schools and low-income private schools. Given the budget assigned to education department and lack of trained teachers there is no hope of improvement in the near future. As for as madrasahs they impart religious education but fail to provide contemporary knowledge. Students who graduate from these madrasahs find it hard to secure good jobs, as they do not have enough skills or knowledge of modern disciplines.

The elite schools are no doubt doing a great job by imparting high quality education to those who can pay. The majority of the people think that these elite schools are producing a generation, which is highly materialistic in thinking. Then there are low-income private institutions who are either giving good education or causing a havoc to education system.

Educated people who do not have high financial resources run some low fee schools yet they are rendering a great service to the society. A combination of religious and contemporary education is essential for the improvement of education sector.