Why and how do students start cheating in examinations?
good thing by student sand as to why it is so prevalent currently in our modern-day society. students start cheating in examinations.

Cheating is sadly a very common part of the educational culture found within most countries. It is apparently important for students to know how to cheat as told by their peers and it is encouraged by their friends for them to cheat in order to score good marks. This is due to a large number of reasons as to why cheating is considered a good thing by student sand as to why it is so prevalent currently in our modern-day society. students start cheating in examinations.
Cheating is the epitome of a bad educational system. It is due to the constant pressure put on the student by the teachers and parents and the general course itself that leads to such negative behavior in the first place. When one thinks the act of cheating is better than suffering the consequences of going through a bad paper or bad marks; it starts becoming clear why cheating is considered so normally by students all over the globe.
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When children are pressured so much into studies and their grades, they feel that whatever they do might not be enough for the high standards their parents wish them to have. This leads them to cheat. It is important to note however, that most people are coerced towards teaching by their peers by inciting a sense of laziness or procrastination. This means that most students are told not to study or cram before the night of the paper or to rather make chits and use those as cheating material in the middle of the exam. By most people, cheating is considered as a fool-proof way for you to ace your degree without needing to study or put in effort.
Cheating has led to many students that passing is the only thing that matters while that is simply untrue. Without the proper support and help of teachers and a great learning experience marks aside, there is no distinction in the world that can save you from the eventual downturn people will face due to lack of skill