Why donâ„¢t students learn Urdu in higher education?
education. Urdu students are quite rare in Pakistan and there are several reasons for this rarity. students learn Urdu in higher education.

All around the world, we see students choosing a diverse range of subjects as they step into the world of higher education. The subjects range from English, Physics, Maths, Biology to other humanities and languages. These subjects are the most common ones studied in countries like Pakistan. The concerning thing however is that students in Pakistan do not prefer studying their official language “Urdu, in their higher education. Urdu students are quite rare in Pakistan and there are several reasons for this rarity. students learn Urdu in higher education.
Firstly, Urdu students are looked down upon and aren„¢t considered as capable and brilliant as students studying other subjects. This might be one of the biggest reasons why there are almost none to very little urdu students in Pakistan. Secondly, Urdu even though is the official language of Pakistan, English is the preferred language for all communications and tests.
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Hence, students don„¢t see the need for studying urdu having seen that there is no scope for urdu students in Pakistan or around the globe. Thirdly, similar to the rarity of urdu students, there are extremely less qualified and able urdu teachers to teach students the urdu language at a higher level. This prevents students from enrolling into this program as they know there is a high chance, they won„¢t get good guidance and teaching being urdu students.
Moreover, even though urdu is taught as a compulsory subject from the lowest level in education, it is taught as a simple and monotonous subject. The intricacies of the subject are not dealt with and urdu students are taught the subject without developing their interest in it. Therefore, this stops them from opting to become urdu students as they start their higher education as from the beginners level they have no interest developed in it.
In conclusion, there are several reasons why urdu students is a term less heard around Pakistan. For these very reasons coupled with many more, urdu students are a rarity which do not often come across us.