Why get angry is normal and even useful

used very often today. It is believed that aggression is a toxic emotion that needs to be eliminated. Why get angry is normal and even useful.

Why get angry is normal and even useful
Why get angry is normal and even useful

Accumulating anger is like drinking poison and waiting for another person to die." This quote, used very often today. It is believed that aggression is a toxic emotion that needs to be eliminated. Why get angry is normal and even useful.

Even scientists advise to avoid feelings of anger. Studies show that anger can lead to hypertension and low sensitivity to painkillers. People with mental disorders associated with a pathological level of aggression are more prone to crime and even suicide.

Modern culture is strongly associated with feelings of anger. Online communities are often advised to let go of feelings of anger. You've probably seen quotes like, "If someone can annoy you, it means you've lost your inner balance," "Anger doesn't solve any problems." It does not create anything, but it can destroy a lot “or even “Anger is your greatest enemy. Keep it under control. "

This attitude towards anger means that we not only fear it, but also condemn its manifestations, considering it a sign of weakness. Our perceptions of feelings of anger become prejudices: we tend to think of people as evil who do not suppress that feeling. On the other hand, we consider people who control their feelings of anger to be educated, intelligent, and in a sense exemplary people. However, this understanding of aggression is wrong. Anger is not a pattern of behavior, but an emotion.

Anger is an emotion, not a pattern of behavior

Anger is the body's neurophysiological response to a threat. The brain (particularly the amygdala) sends a signal to the body, bringing it to a state of complete readiness. The hormones adrenaline and cortisol are released into the blood, the pulse increases, the muscles become toned. The attention of a person who feels anger is concentrated and narrowed. A person's face takes on a characteristic expression that serves as a warning sign to others.

In the psychological literature, anger is not directly associated with aggressive behavior. Anger is not the same as aggressive behavior, hatred or violence. Aggression is a model of human behavior, and anger is a feeling.

Although feelings of anger can sometimes lead to aggressive behavior, this is not always the case. A person may feel angry, for example, because someone got in front of him in line, but do not take any action.

Conversely, a person can harm someone without feeling angry. For example, people who commit sexual offenses may coldly and cautiously track down and persecute their victims.

The difference between anger and aggression is significant. Anger is a physiological reaction of the organism, which was formed as a result of evolution and arises unconsciously.

Aggression is a pattern of behavior that arises from the will of man. When we understand this, we will be able to respect feelings of anger, even if we condemn violence and aggressive behavior.

Anger is an important and useful feeling

Our brains use our senses to get our attention when something important happens or when a problem needs to be solved immediately. Fear warns us of danger, sadness motivates us to seek support, joy forces us to continue to do what makes us feel good.

The same goes for feelings of anger. It tells us that something is wrong or that we must take action to survive.

A person can attack, deceive, intimidate or humiliate others without feeling angry. But if the victim does not feel angry, she continues to suffer injustice.

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That's why it's normal to feel angry. So our brain ensures our safety. When we feel anger, we need to analyze what provoked it, evaluate the real facts, and decide how best to act in the situation. However, no matter what we do in the end, we always have the right to feel angry.

The same goes for feelings of anger. It tells us that something is wrong or that we must take action to survive.

A person can attack, deceive, intimidate or humiliate others without feeling angry. But if the victim does not feel angry, she continues to suffer injustice.

That's why it's normal to feel angry. So our brain ensures our safety. When we feel anger, we need to analyze what provoked it, evaluate the real facts, and decide how best to act in the situation. However, no matter what we do in the end, we always have the right to feel angry.

On the other hand, living and showing anger does not lead to disease. Feelings of anger increase the level of cortisol in the body, but it can cause health problems only when cortisol is elevated for a long time.

Anger is just the tip of the iceberg

When we blame anger for our problems, we may miss the point. In fact, anger is often associated with fear. Anger is often a secondary emotion that occurs when a person does not feel safe. Therefore, when researchers observe feelings of anger,

which becomes a habit for a person, they also pay attention to whether he feels fear, sadness or anxiety. When scientists study the effects of anger and other emotions on the body, they conclude that most often the harm to the body is not anger, but related emotions, such as anxiety or sadness.

Anger is a source of motivation

We used to think of anger as a negative emotion, but it certainly has a positive side. Although anger often causes unpleasant bodily sensations, at the same time it activates the brain and body. When we are angry, our body receives the same signals from the brain as from positive emotions. One of the bodily reactions to emotions is the reaction of facial muscles. For example, the muscle group Orbicularis oculi, located around the eyes, is activated when we smile. If these muscles do not move, we recognize a fake smile. However, this muscle group is also activated when we are angry. However, this does not mean that anger brings us pleasure. This means that anger, like joy, is an emotion associated with contact with another person, not with alienation from him. Anger motivates us to interact, not retreat. Feelings of anger force us to act before a physical reaction occurs (rapid heartbeat, muscle tension, focused attention).

Use anger for good

So can we say that anger is tantamount to violence? No. Violence is a destructive manifestation of anger. Anger is a feeling, and violence is just one of many ways to express it.

Can we say that anger is a poison that destroys our body? Also no. Anger is a natural emotion that arises in cases of threat or injustice. If you properly express feelings of anger, it will not harm the body.

How can you use anger productively? Psychologists say that we should pay attention to the reasons for anger, because this feeling seems to tell us that something needs to change. It's okay to feel angry. When we find a good way to express it, anger motivates us and focuses our consciousness. And then we can use anger to achieve positive change.