Will HEC Close Down Schools
statements rather than lean towards said thing sin social media and other news sources which are not official. HEC Close Down Schools.

The HEC Pakistan have recently clarified in their official twitter that a fake letter is currently being distributed around social media and other sides which was using the format of older HEC letter in order to indicate that universities and other educational institutions will be closed. This is to note that the higher education commissions has not issued any direction of such kind and therefore people are advised to pay close attention official statements rather than lean towards said thing sin social media and other news sources which are not official. HEC Close Down Schools.
The HEC have stated that each institution will decide to operate or close as per its specific situation. The Vice Chancellors are fully empowered to decide related issues of attendance or rotation of students based on need to protect the health and safety of students as well as faculty and staff. This means that the vice chancellors of any institutions have the complete power and authority to make decisions based on what they see fit whether that might be related to the attendance or rotation of the students.
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This will be done solely on the basis on their health and safety and according to the HEC compromises will be made regarding it. Only the health authorities can direct the closure of universities if the corona incidence rises above a critical threshold and the HEC has no power or directive to do it. Moreover, it is to be noted that the HEC has not issued any direction for the thirty percent attendance rule which has been imposed on some higher educational institutions. It is also worth noting that all HEC policy guidance documents related to COVID-19 crisis are available on their website for everyone to read.
The HEC has clearly stated that he news regarding the closure of institutions is fake and that vice chancellors have been given the utmost authority within their institutions to make the call regarding what they feel like doing in the middle of the pandemic. Moreover, the thirty percent rule has been implemented by institutions and not the HEC