Will students be able to get their admissions on merit in 2020?
the universities they wish to go to. This is a very real and troubling question. students be able to get their admissions on merit in 2020.

2020 is the year of COVID 19 with more students opting to stay at home rather than go to their universities to complete their higher education. In times of turmoil like these most students are worried if they are able to get their admissions on merit in the universities they wish to go to. This is a very real and troubling question. students be able to get their admissions on merit in 2020.
The government of Pakistan however, has announced different polices and directives in order to ensure the exam entrance setup remains as transparent and merit-based as possible. However, there are many exemptions as this system is being done very quickly and there might be a lot of changes between this implementation and the actual system itself. This has led to vital discourse and worry between students who are not keen on being admitted to universities without their merit being taken into consideration as they feel it is unfair
Admissions on merit 2020 were conducted successfully throughout Pakistan. Most students were admitted on the basis of their FSC first year result, and then later on asked for their combined second year result in order to have a proper picture. Students of Cambridge O and A Levels were given admission based on their predicted grades which lifted that tension off them.
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Moreover, students were also given the benefit of the doubt by most universities who made their admission criteria quite lenient considering the current global scenario. This further helped students who were worried about their admission on merit in 2020. Online classes and tests were conducted to make sure students were up to date and speed with the testing criteria set by the board this year to ensure smooth operations.
Admissions in 2020 were clouded in mystery due to a large number of people not having given their examinations as most of them were delayed or articalponed due to further notice. However, due to the governments swift action and useful policies; catastrophe was mostly avoided and a year of students was not wasted and most could easily recover and start their first years in the fall session which is not that big of an issue