Wolfgang Amadeus study music.
Wolfgang life in the apartment in Getreidegasse had changed dramatically Wolfgang was up the keyboard in his third year

Wolfgang Amadeus study music extraordinary thing was gifted with.
sant burg where the composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in 1756 is a pretty town situated on the banks of the river salts and overlooked by a splendid castle many visitors come to enjoy the sights and hear the music of Salzburg's most famous side. Mozart was christened in the cathedral it was built in the 17th century by the reigning Archbishop of Salzburg one of the elected princes of the Holy Roman Empire the archbishop was the ruler of Salzburg and the salt mines in the nearby mountains from which he had a huge income. The Archbishop's lived in this palace and were rich enough to keep up a flamboyant style of living with a court orchestra and numerous palaces.
The Mirabel Palace was built for a mistress of one of the Archbishop's elements of the magnificent original interior survived and they give an idea of an extra vagant life style.
The large number of church in the city indicates just how influential the church was the archbishop had great power over his subjects and his employees. One of these employees beginning in 1743 was Leopold Mozart father of the composer Leopold came from the town of Augsburg in southern Germany where his family were bookbinders his talents and their development were quite remarkable for the son of a craftsman at 18 he went to study philosophy and law in Salzburg and no less unusual step to take.
Leopold enjoyed the artistic life of Salzburg it was a town small enough to be in touch with the rustic charms of the country yet in its court life and its beautiful buildings at the same time sophisticated and cultured within a year. Leopold was made a Bachelor of philosophy and commended for his work but music was demanding more and more of his time and a year later he was expelled for being too often absent.
A local nobleman can't turn took him on in the dual role of Valley Inn musician in an indirect way he had begun his musical career, in 1743 Leopold became the fourth violinist in the Archbishop's Orchestra . In 1747 Leopold Mozart married Anna Maria petal the daughter of a lawyer they were considered to be a handsome couple and they moved into an apartment on the third floor of this house at number 9 Getreidegasse. Here Leopold taught music all day long he bought and sold musical instruments and he wrote music he wrote a guide to violin playing which was long recognized throughout Europe as the standard work on the subject his undoubted talent as a composer was inevitably to be over shadowed by the work of his son.
Leopold's destiny was to be the teacher of his two gifted children
whose musical nourishment he devoted his life he must be said that to be born into Leopold Mozart's house was to be born into an exceptional musical experience his daughter nanaue was born in 1751 five years before her brother. She developed into a remarkably fine pianist but with the coming of little Wolfgang life in the apartment in Getreidegasse had changed dramatically Wolfgang was up the keyboard in his third year and at once began to show what was almost a disturbing precocity of musical talent. Wolfgang Amadeus study music and learned new pieces quite naturally and produced his first compositions.
When he was five years old; of course Leopold recognized his son's genius and was not slow to display it to a wider world by 1762. When Mozart was five he was playing before the Empress Maria Theresa in Vienna whatever or whoever the Empress took an interest in stood a good chance of being valued by the fashionable and noble world the world that would ultimately advance Mozart's career so Leopold was determined that everyone who mattered in the world should know about his son they made money of course by giving concerts.
The Empress sent the child Mozart and his sister Nana a gift of fine clothes and paintings were duly made of them dressed up in 1763 when Mozart was seven they set off to tour Europe firstly through several German turns to Paris where they stayed for five months on April 10th 1764 they left for London they lived in this house in Chelsea the king and queen received them within days of their arrival they found the English court very informal compared with Versailles.
An important influence on the little boy
Was certainly the music of Handel which he heard many times he attended performances of Handel's operas such as basis and Galatea and Alexander's feast the king asked him to sight-read some handle at a palace concert on another visit. He accompanied the Queen singing and he played the organ the harpsichord and the violin the children played at a charity concert at the rutile in la garden a popular place of amusement in Chelsea such precocity and so young a child.
Obviously makes him in some eyes one of the seven wonders of the world and a learning member of the Royal Society called Danes Barrington wrote a paper on Mozart after examining him at length and hearing him play they left London in July 1765 for home via Holland but they did not reach Salzburg again until November 1766 Mozart was 11 and after the splendors of Royal Courts Salzburg and its Archbishop seemed parochial during the next nine months in Salzburg.
Leopold took good care to keep up Mozart's Amadeus study in music education now our records of the exercises in counterpoint he completed at such an age he might have benefited from staying at home but in September 1761 they set off for Vienna however a boy of 12 and a girl of 17were no longer the Wonder children of their last visit notwithstanding in Vienna at that time.
Mozart composed his first opera la finta semplice the pretended simple tone.
However it had to wait for a performance and Leopold in his letters complained of jealous and unhelpful musicians towards the end of1769 the Mozart's father and son set off on a tour of Italy we know a lot about this tour because of their letters too now they had great success in Bologna which they enjoyed because they were guests of the warmly welcoming Pallavicini he assembled a good Orchestra for Mozart to conduct being accepted by the aristocracy as equals in intelligence and culture was what Leopold valued most in Florence Mozart made a friend of his own age the English boy Tom Lindley, Lindley was studying the violin and his friendship was much valued by Mozart who was to mourn Lilly's early death by drowning some 10 years later in Rome with the Pope their success was tremendous Mozart was given the order of the Golden Spur first class which allowed him to use the title Chevalier ironically his sponsor was a certain couch Colorado who was to be the next Archbishop of Salzburg back in Salzburg the Mozart's escort musicians were regarded as little better than servants and looked down upon by members of the court Mozart had begun to write his second opera Mithra dotty a ready bundle misradate his king of Ponte this time the work was performed at once in Milan on Boxing Day 1770 with enormous success twenty performances were given with Mozart conducting the first three in the next year or two.They still traveled in1769 before the Italian tour he had been appointed third concert master at the Salzburg port chapel after a second Italian trip in 1770 in December the Palatine Court in Rome elected count Colorado to be the new Archbishop of Salzburg and so Mozart's new employer Colorado was intelligent gifted musically just and diligent he was also proud and even haughty to Mozart who had rubbed shoulders with kings and princes real ones from an early age tolerate his autocratic behavior towards his talented composer was into lerable but Mozart remained a further two years in provincial little Salzburg undoubtedly.
Colorado was musical enough to value Mozart in any case Mozart more than did his job pouring out new music way beyond the call of duty you breaking away from Salzburg began in1775 when the elector of Bavaria asked Mozart to write a comic opera la fintagiardia the archbishop could hardly refuse permission and the Opera was an enormous success the archbishop improved his theater for the use of visiting musicians but not for the court players Mozart couldn't bear it.
The father and son asked for leave to make a concert to Colorado said no Mozart then asked for a discharge from service he began at or accompanied by his mother they ended up in Mannheim the home town of the Weber family the chief attraction to Mozart was a lousy a vapor then 16pretty and possessed of a fine Soprano Voicehe wanted to travel to Italy with the vapors so that a loser could have good singing teachers Leopold prevailed and he went instead to Palace with his mother Mozart and his mother could afford only poor lodgings.
He earned what he could by teaching they had no piano and he had to go to a friend's house to practice the mother was ill they moved to better rooms and though this suited the mother her health deteriorated and she died on July 3rd Mozart was offered the artical of organist at Versailles at reasonable salary he turned it down he composed the Paris Symphony and he gave a number of concerts but he still complained to his father that the visit was fruitless she set off for Salzburg where his father assured him he could have the job of concert Meister at court with himself in the job of Kapellmeister also vacant at the time Leopold didn't get his job and Mozart dawdled in Mannheim and Munich.
Munich was a lousy a Weber and he hoped to announce their engagement a noisier was however not learning a lot at the Opera and could see no future with Mozart she turned him down and he was brokenhearted there was nothing for it but to return to Salzburg where the artical of court organist was offered to her during the next two years. He was to write his first mature compositions in 1779 there were two symphonies a symphonic Concert violin and viola and his coronation mass he also got a commission for another opera in Munich this was to be a Dominator for the Munich carnival of 1780 it was a great success about the same time a lousy a Weber married an actor Joseph Langer who painted this unfinished portrait of Mirsad considered to be the best likeness of the composer in spite of the success of his opera or maybe because of it.
He was growing more weary of his role as a servant of the archbishop, In 1781 he had to go to Vienna on duty for the coronation of the new emperor joseph ii in Vienna he was well known to many important people yet he ate with the bishops servants and while in company was supposed to sit with the musicians it became more than his pride could take in a fiery interview with the archbishop he was rebuked for his insolence and he in turn resigned his artical it was a bold step to take especially as he knew it could even affect his father's position in Salzburg the Weber family was now living in Vienna and as the father had died Weber was only too happy to take Mozart in as a lodger after all she had two more daughters as yet unmarried Mozart now had nothing to live on but what he could earn as an independent composer.
A musician to think of marriage at such a time was foolhardy but there was Costanza the second Weber daughter and it was soon clear that she was to be his wife Mozart although he had a jolly and irrepressible side to his nature was also a sincere and in his own eyes are spec table man when it was clear that his feelings for Costanza were returned then he committed himself to her completely publishers were happy to buy his works for publication he gave lessons for high fees and by the summer of the year he was busy on his second major opera the intraoral our stem said I or the escape from the seraglio on the helpful recommendation of the court composer Glook whom he had met in Paris the entry wound was produced in1782 and it was an enormous success.
Costanza and Mozart were married in St. Stephen Cathedral on August 4th 1782.
Not long after the triumph of the intro Costanza was 19 he was 26 Mozart's father did not bless the marriage till after it was over but in fact they were extremely happy together the money mozart earned from concerts and composition was erratic and their control of it was equally so you didn't make for a stable life the most important factor was that during all their ups and downs Mozart could go on composing while his wife was in labor he finished the sings great quartets for Jaime Hyden became one of his staunchest supporters but Hyden came from a poor and relatively uneducated background he was in princely employment until he was60 when he retired on a pension and started to travel Mozart had tremendous popular success people whistled the tunes from his operas in the streets but he got no royalties from them only a fee from the first production it was hard.
On May 1st 1786 the first performance of the Marriage of Figaro was given in Vienna it was a great success not just because of the beautiful music but because of the fine and topical de Bretonmozart wore fine clothes went everywhere was a freemason this was like being in the best club in town and gave the impression of being as successful financially as he was by reputation a hit in Vienna meant that other opera houses around Europe wanted his operas also a nearby capital where he was greatly appreciated was Prague in January 1787 Mozart went there with his wife and they were given a lavish welcome he gave concerts and was in the theater when Figaro was performed he was given a commission for another opera and after a few weeks they left to seek out the librettist up Ponte who had done so well for them with Figaro Lorenzo DaPonte was an Italian and although the idea of doing the Don Juan story was Mozart's to Ponte needed attacks to work from and the one he got was from Venice play written in 1736 about Don Giovanni by the great playwright Carlo Goldoni with Don Giovanni too right Mozart was busy enough but he produced other fine works along the way and it is not surprising to find him ill the young Beethoven had just visited him at a jeweler to As if where they lived they left the city centre and moved to the country suburbs nearby he there received news of his father's death Leopold had been ill for some time but they had remained good friends to the end and Leopold had lived long enough to know that his efforts on his son's behalf were not in vain back in Prague in November the finishing touches were putto Don Giovanni with not much time to spare and the staging was difficult Mozart awaited the outcome of his new production nervously it was a brilliant success and it came at an opportune moment back in Vienna Glock died on November 15th a few days after they returned the Emperor appointed Mozart court composer on a salary of eight hundred golden as he got only 100 golden for all his work on figure of for example it was not a mean income Don Giovanni was given a tepid welcome when it was performed in Vienna in April 1788 later in the year Mozart wrote his three great final symphonies as no preparatory work exists we have to suppose that he composed them in his head and simply wrote them out while.
Costanza gossips murdered they took six weeks to complete we also know that he was pawning things and borrowing from a rich Freemason friend called Faubourg on top of this he was ill an illness that created lassitude and took away his normal high spirits and optimism Costanza herself was young she had had several children but given the terrible childcare of the age only two of them survived but childbearing brought its problems and she was sent for months to harden to be cured the expense of this only added to Mozart's worry Mozart was very fortunate in the happiness he derived from his marriage he needed it because for the rest of his short life he was weighed down by the constant need to earn money to compose to maintain his position in society as he saw it and by the increasing burden of illness his letters to book bag show pathetically the depth of his despair. But in July 1789the Emperor commissioned a new opera from Mozart and Cosi Fantutti was on its way it was not produced until January 1790and by then he was short of money again course he was enthusiastically received but the work had broken Mozart's health and 1790 was not a good year for composition.
He had to take more pupils and hope they would come to his apartment near st. Stephen's so that he would not exhaust himself trailing after them all over Vienna drawings and descriptions of him at this time suggest he was suffering from kidney disease in September he pawned his silver and went to Frankfurt where he hoped to give concerts of the coronation of Leopold a second emperor of the Holy Roman Empire he was back home at the end of November not much richer Mozart had one more year of life and for some reason though his illness went on a pace his spirits revived and his music poured for the Manuela chigan ada owned a theater at the caetna tour and commissioned the opera The Magic Flute which was to have over tones of Freemasonry chicken ada wrote the German language libretto work went on during the summer though the Requiem Mass was also in process and in August and September he had to write another opera la Clemenza di Tito for the theater in Prague he traveled to Prague for the production it met with a polite reception but the whole effort he composed it in 18 days must have been wearing for him back in Vienna the Magic Flute was performed on September 30th to tremendous acclaim he was greatly uplifted by its reception but it was not enough to relieve his illness on November 20th he took to his bed he continued to work on the Requiem Mass it was church music such as he had not written for years but he had just heard that when the Kapellmeister of St. Stephen died .
He would be given the job perhaps he felt he had to get his hand in Mozart died on December 5th 1791 the Requiem unfinished but he had left directions with his pupil Zeus Meyer on how it should be done and we have it no was a fitting end or remarkable life there have been several people in the history of mankind who have been blessed with extraordinary talents it is not too much to say that Mozart's gifts and the delights he gave to the world have never been equaled Mozart output was huge extremely varied and of outstanding quality music falls roughly into four groups orchestral works religious music chamber music and dramatic works a certain Ludwig von cooper helpfully cataloged everything works hard wrote and gave the pieces numbers now called Kershaw numbers much the largest group is of orchestral music Mozart wrote over 40 symphonies those written towards the endof his life are the most loved and the most play most of these have nicknames for example number 31 in D major is called the Paris because he was there when he wrote it number 35 in D major is the Hafner number 36 in C major the Linz number 38in D major the prague number 40 in Gminor has no nickname and number 41 in Cmajor is called the Jupiter symphony the second group of orchestral music is for solo voice or instrument with Orchestra.
For example there are over 20piano concertos per her numbers 4 8 8and 5 3 7 this one known as the coronation are outstanding among these he wrote around 12 fine violin concertos or works for violin and orchestra like the G major one a group of horn concertos are very exciting and there are concertos for flute and orchestra and other combinations always hoping to get a church position Mozart wrote a steady stream of religious music like the missus alumnus in C major of 1780 or the famous Ave Verum corpus of 1791 his last unfinished work was of course the Requiem Mass in d minor a delightful and typical piece his Kerrville number 165 a motet exulte artie Jubilate for soprano orchestra and organ Mozart played the violin of course and he wrote a large amount of music for it amongst his chamber pieces there are 40 pieces for violin and piano mostly sonatas he was a brilliant pianist too .