5 ideas for an extraordinary start to the school year
So what's new to try? Here are some great ideas to help you start the new year in a non-standard way. extraordinary start to the school year.

The first days of September are a time of new opportunities. Children have only positive expectations, and you can easily set bold goals and set new trends. Interesting innovations can be so successful that they will take an honorable place among the already common methods of teaching. So what's new to try? Here are some great ideas to help you start the new year in a non-standard way. extraordinary start to the school year.
"I-coloring" is an activity that will help the teacher to assess the attention of children, and students - to create a real comic about themselves. You can use coloring pages with any image: a sun with rays, a ball, a flower, etc.
This task will help you understand which of the students know how to follow the instructions and how quickly they complete the task. Some students listen carefully, quickly find a suitable object and paint it in the right color. Others keep asking, and what does that mean? What exactly will they have to pay more attention to during the school year.
Choose one word
You may have heard the story of a school where every year the study of all subjects is subject to one phenomenon or concept. For example, how to reveal the theme of the "apple" in history, art, physics, chemistry, biology, geography and more. A well-defined perspective helps:
- To study in detail all the facets of a particular subject through the prism of different disciplines;
- To better understand the role of an object or phenomenon in our lives;
- Teach children to keep focus on a particular issue, topic;
- Create a selection of facts on a given topic;
- To specify knowledge about certain things, to start their role and opportunities for practical application.
You can focus on any object or concept: apple, freedom, protection, wind, water, blood, bird, garbage, cow, planet, voice, Africa, etc. Create themed classroom decor with the children, using associations, cultural contexts, and more.
Share interesting contacts
Do you know what children watch, read online, what sites they use? YouTube channels with reviews of movies, music, games, health blogs, psychology, anime? Talking about Internet hobbies is a great way for a teacher to learn about new content and for children to share interests with the class.
Ask the children to prepare a short report on their own interests library and share the links. According to this scheme, you can come up with a lot of interesting tasks that will help students get to know each other, develop oral skills and create descriptive texts. For example, if a child describes roles with film reviews, ask them not just to list the channels, but to make a brief analysis:
- What content does a vlogger create?
- Why do you like this vlogger, instagrammer?
- What is he / she talking about?
- How is he / she different from others?
- Compare with one or two similar roles. How is the content different? What do they emphasize? What's their trick?
- How do you assess the quality of video, editing, design, humor?
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You can work similarly with other types of content. For example: what social network do students like, how does it work, what are the specifics of creating articals in it, what are most often fasted? Another option is a wall of recommendations, where children will be able to write the names of movies / books, and classmates will like them. At the end of the month, the whole class watches the movie that received the most likes and holds a discussion.
Appeal to the younger
You are already in the third, seventh, and maybe even in the tenth grade. Oho! This is a great experience. You probably have something to share with younger students. What advice would you give them? This is the question that can be addressed to students, offering to write an appeal for primary school students.
- What mistakes should a student avoid in order to start learning comfortably?
- How did you imagine the school in the first grade? Which of these ideas turned out to be wrong?
- Which subject did you like the most?
- What movie would you recommend to watch? Why?
- How have your interests changed from 1st to 9th (3rd, 4th, 7th) grade?
- Anything you want to say.
Letters are passed to the junior class teacher and randomly (or at the discretion of the teacher) are distributed among students. You can also attach your photo, a small souvenir or a gift to the letter.
This exchange of experiences is a great tradition for the beginning of the school year. It will allow juniors to look into the future and see partners in high school students, and will give high school students a reason to work on mistakes, a retrospective reassessment of values. Last but not least, children should show empathy by sharing experiences that are useful to others.
Turn on the pleasant noise
Some find it difficult to work in the midst of noise, and some are disturbed by complete silence! Amazingly? But it happens. What shall I do? As an experiment, you can create a favorable sound background for some thematic lessons (art, literature, geography, biology), using natural noises that will be played during classes.
The rustling of leaves, the sounds of rain, or the singing of birds can help them focus, with students barely paying attention to extraneous noises that so often distract them from perceiving the material. If students like the innovation or give a positive effect when performing creative tasks, it can be made permanent. The main thing is to choose the sounds for each lesson!
Even if children are not used to innovations, do not be afraid. The beginning of the year is a just like fun and magical time. If in the first days you manage to set students up for activity, everything will work out, and new techniques can become a mandatory part of the educational process!