Are online libraries a good source of education and knowledge?
Online libraries are an extremely good and sometimes the only sole source of knowledge and education for most individuals.

Online libraries are an extremely good and sometimes the only sole source of knowledge and education for most individuals. Online libraries are a collection of books that are printed in hard copy form but are now being scanned as a soft copy in order to make sure they are preserved and for the ease of their transfers.
Online Libraries are mainly meant to distribute books in a much more practical and easier manner. They operate on a subscription based or free model where students can either ask their institutions for a subscription or general people can just pay a monthly fee to access their entire library.
Online libraries are a good source of practical knowledge and education as individuals can read at their own pace. They do not need to worry about borrowing and returning said books. Moreover, they can read these books easily on their phones and laptops or on their kindles. This means that while books have a practical limitation of how much you can carry at one time and thus have issues; online libraries do not face this issue.
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Moreover, in the times of the pandemic, libraries have seen their lowest rate of admissions as everything was closed down including libraries. Online libraries are a good source of education and knowledge as they usually have a larger amount of variety as compared to normal libraries. Online libraries also are cheaper to operate since they do not require a large number of employees and has lower maintenance cost.
Online libraries are a good source of education and knowledge as they are able to accessed anywhere around the globe and are always available at any time this adds to their ease of use and are a very good asset for students who do not have proper library setups in their home. These libraries also include access to various software and other lectures and research which differentiate them from physical libraries. All of these benefits turn them into a wonderful source of knowledge and education.