Dietary requirements of a toddler and handling fussy eaters

Staying healthy and having lots of energy is important if you want to do the things you enjoy. One of the best way is to eat healthy food.

Dietary requirements of a toddler and handling fussy eaters
School healthy lunch box with sandwich, cookies, nuts, fruits and avocado on a white background.

Staying healthy and having lots of energy is important if you want to do the things you enjoy. One of the best way is to eat healthy food. Nutrients are the things that are present in our foods. Fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins are the nutrients which we get from our food. Our food is divided into four food groups. We must know what is a balanced diet. A balanced diet is the diet which has proper portion from all four food groups. If we do not give our child a balanced diet then it is impossible that our child will develop into a perfect healthy adult. Carbohydrates are achieved from grain and cereal group and they are the most energy providing nutrients for our body. Proteins are building blocks for our body and they help us grow. We get proteins from meat, poultry and eggs and nuts.

Vitamins are the immune booster nutrients. They are provided to our body by eating fruits and vegetables. Dairy products give as calcium and fats. Calcium and dairy products are very important in growing years. You can imagine the importance of calcium in growing years.

As parents we should know what my preschooler should eat? Child of age 1½ years starts consuming egg. Till the age of 8 years he/she should not consume more than three eggs a week. There is a complete guideline for the parents of preschool children and beginner learners. If your toddler is a fussy eater then make their food attractive by decorating the food stuff in funny ways.

Make meal time a fun time for the kids with your loving company and friendly chats. Raw salad and nuts should be a regular item of your child diet, if you want to save them from getting sick. Nuts provide very beneficial nutrients to our body.

Our children will become how they will be treated. Treat them with love in order to make them loving souls. Give them happy family time. Eat meals together. Give them healthy and balanced diet. Their bodies will become what they will be fed with. So it is always wise to make conscious efforts in selecting foods for your child.

All parents are worried about diet of their children. They often ask questions like what my toddler should eat and how much?

Your job is to decide what foods are offered, when and where they are eaten. Let your child decide which of the foods offered he or she will eat, and how much to eat. Day-to-day and meal-to-meal appetite changes are normal. It is important that you don't make your child clean his or her plate. Give them only that much to eat which they can finish easily.

The following table gives guidelines for how much your preschooler should be eating each day.

Grain Group - at least 6 servings each day

1 slice of bread

4-6 crackers

½ cup cooked rice, pasta, or cereal

½ bun, muffin, or bagel

Fruit and Vegetable Group - at least 5 servings each day

½ cup cooked, canned, or chopped raw

½ - 1 small fruit/vegetable

½ cup juice

Milk Group - at least 3 servings each day

¾ cup milk or yogurt

¾ ounce of cheese

Meat Group - 2 servings each day

1-3 tablespoons lean meat, chicken, fish

4-5 tablespoons dry beans and peas

1 egg

Fat Group - 3-4 servings each day

1 teaspoon margarine, butter, oils

Purpose of food should not be to satisfy hunger of child. Basic purpose of your child diet should be to provide nutrients which are needed for growth of the child. Wise selection of diet for your child will decide the basic health pattern of child. Forced feeding makes a child rebellious from food. Try to make your choice of food; the choice of your child as well. It will only happen when food will be made attractive and tasty.