Disabled child - how the school will take care of him
An integrated or special school, depending on which of them the parents choose. Disabled child - How the school will take care of him.

A student with a disability is covered by special education at school on the basis of a decision issued by a psychological and pedagogical counseling center. The educational system allows parents to choose a school for their child, and the school is obliged to provide adequate support, help, revalidation, adaptation to the individual needs, and psychophysical abilities of the student. Education may take place in a mainstream, integrated or special school, depending on which of them the parents choose. Disabled child - how the school will take care of him.
Inclusive education for the student and help for parents
Education, upbringing, and care for students with disabilities are organized in integration with non-disabled students, under the so-called inclusive education. It is worth emphasizing that the role of specialists diagnosing a child is to help parents,
Supporting them in their educational interactions and indicating optimal forms of help at school. Such help at the beginning of the difficult path of upbringing and education of a disabled child strengthens them, helps in acceptance, constructive action, and cooperation with specialists at school. The effect of cooperation between the school and the parents is to create an atmosphere conducive to the child's development.
When are we talking about disability?
Disabilities are described in the International Classification of Diseases ICD-10, and on this basis, the adjudication panels issue decisions about the need for special education for children:
- Visually impaired, blind,
- Hard of hearing, deaf,
- Too mild, moderate, or severe intellectual disability,
- With motor disabilities, including aphasia,
- With autism, including Asperger's Syndrome,
- For children with multiple disabilities, i.e. at least two occurring together.
How long can a student continue learning?
If a student pursues special education on the basis of a certificate, he/she may study until the end of the school year, in the calendar year in which he ends:
- 20 years of age in the case of primary school,
- 24 years of age in the case of artical-primary school.
A student can also extend the period of education in primary school - by one year at the first stage of education and by two years at the second stage of education, and by one year in secondary school. At the same time, it should be remembered that the decision made should not lead to the impossibility of graduating from school due to the age of the student.
What are the responsibilities of the school?
The school should provide students with compulsory educational activities. When the parents of a disabled child present a decision to the principal about the need for special education, the school is obliged to ensure:
- Implementation of the recommendations contained in the decision on the need for special education in the form of rehabilitation classes appropriate to the student's disability and limitations.
These activities should conduct by a specialist for the given disability. On the other hand, the main directions of revalidation interactions should aim at the optimal improvement and development of all mental and physical functions that are the strongest and least damaged, and on the other hand, at the optimal correction of disturbed functions. The effectiveness of revalidation largely depends on the specialists working with the student. It is extremely important that a qualified therapist, who is prepared for the given disability, works with the child.
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- A typhoon-educator will reliably lead the study of spatial orientation and movement as well as learning the Braille system or other alternative methods of communication for a blind student.
- The surdopedagogue will dynamize the development of a hard-of-hearing or deaf child, and teach sign language.
- The work of rehabilitation of intellectually disabled students will stimulate by an oligofrenopedagog.
- A disabled pupil with or without speech disorders will be led by a speech therapist or a neurologist.
- Classes developing social and communication skills - in the case of a student with autism, including Asperger Syndrome, a therapist qualified for the diagnosis and therapy of people with autism should lead.
- A motor disabled child should stimulate by a physiotherapist or physiotherapist in order to improve their motor skills.
Learning conditions, specialist equipment, and teaching aids appropriate to the psychophysical abilities of students and their needs.
These can be appropriate signs of the school space, classes, eg pictograms, tactile "path", removal of architectural barriers - ramps, access to help, cabinets, drawers in the case of a child in a wheelchair. A blind child will need overlays, supports, a desktop, a Braille machine, and a deaf child will need a computer, board, pictures, etc.
Adjusting the working conditions in the classroom will be closely related to the teachers' understanding of the child's needs. The educator should ensure a suitable place in the classroom, the right source of light, low noise level, take into account breaks at work, opportunities for the student to calm down and relax. If a student fulfills his compulsory education in an integrated class. He should be provided with support from the teacher who co-organizes the educational processes.
The situation of a student with a disability learning in mainstream class is different. Because in the case of a student with autism, Asperger's syndrome, and multiple disabilities, parents may apply for the employment of an additional specialist with qualifications who, depending on the child's level of functioning, supports him in education and helps to understand social situations. taking place in the classroom ensures safety, reacts to difficult behaviors, adjusts the material to the student's abilities in cooperation with the tutor.
Specialist classes, such as: corrective and compensatory, speech therapy, developing emotional and social competencies, and other therapeutic activities.
Most often, classes as part of psychological and pedagogical assistance are specified in the decision and result directly from the comprehensive diagnosis carried out. However, when developing an individual educational and therapeutic IPET program (parents should participate in this process). The need for other specialist activities may arise. Then the task of the school is to create conditions for the organization of additional forms in accordance with the IPET. Many schools employ a school counselor or psychologist. So it is worth using their knowledge and help in important matters related to the child's development.
Integrating students with their peers, including non-disabled students, not only during educational activities. But also in the organization of educational projects, class meetings, and school celebrations.
This is an extremely important task of the school, bringing mutual effects. On the one hand properly developing the emotional and social sphere of a disabled student, and on the other. Teaching respect for people with disabilities and tolerance of otherness, as well as the ability to communicate without restrictions.
Preparing students for independence in adult life.
This is another important task for teachers. The school is a laboratory of all life situations that children experience. Here they learn cooperation, group activities, competition, experience successes, and failures, and learn strategies for coping with difficulties and challenges. Every child has an innate, natural drive to be active. This is why the school's task is to support students in various forms of activity. They prepare the student for tasks in adult life, fulfilling various social roles and shaping self-esteem.
Parents of disabled children can benefit from a wide range of forms of help and support at school. Legal provisions impose on educational institutions a number of tasks and obligations regarding integration and revalidation. Many schools, in cooperation with parents, implement therapeutic programs tailored to the needs and abilities of the student. Then the parents are partners. Simultaneously conducted activities and impacts bring effects. If they cover every environment in which the student functions, i.e. the school, class, peers, and family.