Does a fever make a baby grow faster?
Is it fact or fiction? Today we'll tell you everything you need to know about this popular belief. fever make a baby grow faster.

From generation to generation, our grandparents have long believed that a child grows faster when he has a fever. Is this theory repeated over the years true or is it just a nonsense myth? Is it fact or fiction? Today we'll tell you everything you need to know about this popular belief. fever make a baby grow faster.
Fever, sleep and growth
Sleeping and adequate rest are important elements that we all need, especially when it comes to children. Research has shown that not getting enough sleep can lead to changes in your baby's development and other consequences.
Sleep is made up of different phases that make up cycles that repeat throughout the night. Each cycle takes approximately 90 minutes. The correct completion of these cycles is important for the proper physical and mental development of a child.
Moreover, sleep is directly related to growth. This is because your baby's body produces large amounts of growth hormone while they sleep.
What is Growth Hormone?
Growth hormone is released by the pituitary gland. It is a small part of the brain that is responsible for the production of various hormones. Our bodies produce growth hormone not only in childhood, but throughout our lives. It is responsible, among other things, for regulating articalpartum growth and metabolic processes.
Here are some of its most important features:
- Growth stimulation in children and adolescents.
- Accelerate bone formation by stimulating calcium retention.
- Accelerating protein formation and fat elimination.
- Stimulating the development of organs, except the brain.
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What happens when a child develops a fever? Does it grow faster then?
There seem to be two reasons for the popular belief that children experience a spike in their growth process when they have a fever:
- Fever stimulates the production of growth hormone.
- Generally, children have more hours of sleep during periods of fever and recovery. This is because cells in our immune system produce cytokines, which are molecules that cause fatigue, among other things.
Both factors cause the body to produce more growth hormone during these stages. But does this mean that children who have a fever more often will become taller than those who hardly get sick? Absolutely not.
A baby's height depends on many factors such as genetics, nutrition, and the environment ... But a baby won't get taller just by having more hours of sleep or having a fever more often.
It is very important that our children get enough rest. Adequate sleep will help our little ones to develop properly, both intellectually and physically.
At the same time, we have come to the conclusion that many times myths and popular beliefs do have a physiological explanation. But that doesn't mean they're always 100% accurate.
Instead of believing everything you hear, look for a real and credible explanation¦ especially when it comes to your baby's health.