Eligibility as the gateway to success
post of a human resource manager you must have a degree in Management and Business Administration. Eligibility as the gateway to success.

Being eligible for something means that you possess all the qualities necessary for it. Eligibility does not only mean good academic record, it is much more. A person is called eligible for a artical if he is academically qualified for it, for example when applying for the artical of a human resource manager you must have a degree in Management and Business Administration. Eligibility as the gateway to success.
Likewise, if you want to become a professor at a university you need to have at least an M.Phil. degree and some research publications in your name. Besides all this academic qualification, one must have the required aptitude towards that field. A person applying for the job of sales and marketing must have the tendency towards sale.
Further, they should have gift of the gab, as a good salesperson is always a good speaker. He knows how to recognise the potential customer and how to convince them to purchase a certain object. Someone who wants to be a part of the army must have a good built and proper height and stature.
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Youngsters aspiring to become models should work on their looks and expressions. Eligibility also requires the experience span as demanded by the organistaion you are applying in. in the past when there were no internship programs, people would face difficulty in getting a good job because no organization wanted to take risk by hiring untrained and inexperienced individuals.
Now internships have solved this problem. They also work as a way to identify potential employees for future. Youngsters get experience in the field they are going to enter and sometimes the same organisations offer them a permanent seat due to their aptitude and skills.