How children use gestures and what does it mean?

but since they cannot express it yet, they provide the elders with an insight into their unspoken feelings. How children use gestures.

How children use gestures and what does it mean?
How children use gestures and what does it mean?

Evidence reveals that children gestures are often a reflection of the knowledge they have, but since they cannot express it yet, they provide the elders with an insight into their unspoken feelings. How children use gestures.

There is more to gestures than just knowing something; gestures are seen as a way to change thoughts. Gestures contribute to a change in knowledge through their communicative effect. If a child gestures to reflect his state of knowledge, his gestures could also serve a signal he is ready to receive certain kind of input.

If his listeners are sensitive enough to perceive that signal, they are able to adjust the way they interact with that child and provide him an input that is targeted at the child state of knowledge. This way, using gesture can cause knowledge change to happen indirectly as it gives children a means to shape up the involvement they receive.

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Gestures have their cognitive effects too, by using objects we externalize thought which saves the child cognitive effort. Gesturing is often seen as externalization of the speaker feelings and thoughts onto body. Furthermore, there is research-backed evidence that gesturing can lessen the speaker cognitive load and it is supported by studies like those of Wagner, (2004) and Meadow et al., (2001).

Often perceived as a marker of change gesture has the potential for use of diagnosing development of children. Children gestures, either frequent or lack of it, can be used as a sign for the difficulty they will face in their development in future. Kendon, (1980) claims that gestures can also carry meanings that differ from the speaker words.