Exercise for concentration - how to improve concentration in a child?
Concentration exercises are a great way to improve your ability to focus your attention on a specific task. See how to train your child's

Concentration exercises are a great way to improve your ability to focus your attention on a specific task. See how to train your child's concentration. We present interesting games for concentration training!
Exercise for concentration is something our children need very much. Disturbance of concentration is a topic that is very popular nowadays, especially among parents of children starting school. It is worth considering why this is so and whether the scale of the phenomenon is really so large.
Adults are often too quick to describe the problem of concentration in children in this way. Distraction and confusion are common to most children these days and are not always a cause for concern. Concentration is the ability to focus your attention on a specific task or object.
It is worth noting that we cannot require a pre-school child to concentrate on the task for more than 15 - 20 minutes, and a maximum of 30 minutes. However, you need to watch your baby and, if necessary, exercise your concentration with him.
Hear how to train your child's concentration. This is material from the LISTENING GOOD cycle. Podcasts with tips
When can we talk about problems with concentration and when are we dealing with a depressed mood?
There is no clear line between the norm and attention deficit disorder. And before we go with the child to a specialist, it is worth taking a look at his environment and how he spends most of his time, whether external conditions help him distract him.
Beware of distracting electronic devices - distractors!
Too much time in front of the TV, or the TV is on in the background, can make it difficult for outside information to reach your baby. There have been many studies and publications on the negative impact of electronic devices on a child's development. They say unanimously that smartphones, tablets and TV sets contribute to the development of attention disorders.
This does not mean, however, that the parent should completely cut off the electronics for the child. This is hardly possible these days. It is worth considering how to organize the child's time so that it uses the devices in a minimal amount.
Concentration problems and play
Another important aspect is the child's play. If it is surrounded by a large number of toys, it usually cannot play with them. It is surrounded by objects and it is difficult for it to choose something. He takes one thing in his hand, time after time, but no fun, no role play.
The fewer toys in the child's sight, the more effort the child has to put into planning the game, thus forcing the gray cells to work.
Organization of a child's room affects concentration!
That is why it is worth taking care of the appearance of the environment in which the child is. Instead of bright walls, pastel, light colors will work better. The children's room should be properly lit so that it does not require additional bright, cold light. There are as few pictures, articalers or photos on the walls as possible.
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All of this has a negative effect on the nervous system of the baby, making it difficult to concentrate. It is similar in kindergarten and school rooms - if they are too decorated and the shelves bend under a pile of colorful toys, unfortunately, they may hinder the functioning of some children. Often, the elimination of the above-mentioned factors significantly improves the child's concentration.
A healthy diet and exercise improve concentration
Weakened moods and decreased concentration happen to everyone. To some, however, too often. It can also be caused by deficiencies in vitamins and minerals. Therefore, you should take care of a well-balanced diet and perform regular tests. Remember that through a proper diet, exercise and frequent mental training, we can improve not only the ability to concentrate, but also memory and imagination. And at any age, both in children and adults.
Exercises for concentration in children
- With the youngest children, around 12 months old, concentration training is fun - toys such as a pot on a block, where the child adjusts the shapes of blocks to the holes, look for the same elements with slightly older ones.
- An excellent exercise in concentration is playing "Where is ...?" We need two of the same cups or cups. We make sure that the child is watching a small object that we hide under one of the cups and we recommend that the child find it. When we succeed, the next time we hide the toy, we switch the cups. If the little one watches closely, he or she will indicate the correct cup, if he looks away, he will not know where he is.
- Puzzle - great fun and training of concentration and eye-hand coordination.
- All puzzles for children, mazes, finding differences between pictures will prove to be an exercise for concentration for the youngest.
- Memory - a game in which you have to remember pairs of inverted pictures. Whoever collects more pairs wins. Excellent memory and concentration training in a child. By the way, a joyful time spent with the family.
- Any games: board, card, chess, checkers - absolutely recommended. They develop children in many respects, they are an excellent exercise of memory and concentration. They stimulate children's imagination, eye-hand coordination, thinking, and enrich their vocabulary.
- Drawing with both hands - drawing a picture with both hands stimulates the formation of connections between the hemispheres of the brain, which is great for the child's concentration. Half of the drawing can be printed, with one hand we trace the trace and with the other hand we try to mirror the image.
- Reminding - a fun game that stimulates memory and trains concentration. It can be freely modified. You can start with the command: remember the names of all neighbors who wear glasses. The brain needs to flex well to recreate this information.
- "Detective" - €¹€¹an exercise in which we have to prepare a picture or a photo and a few questions for it (e.g. for a photo taken in a restaurant, we can ask: how many tables are there in the restaurant in the photo, how many people in the photo have brown hair, etc.) . The child looks at the picture for a minute and tries to remember as many details as possible, then we turn the picture over and ask questions.
- Juggling: two or three balls are enough (instead of balls they can be rolled into a ball of socks or pea bags) to be able to very effectively train both eyesight (peripheral vision) and the mind. By throwing the balls, our hemispheres cooperate and synchronize their work, which in turn contributes to the construction of new connections between them, and, as we already know, naturally supports the quality of the brain's work.
- Arranging questions - a task that, in addition to concentration exercises, stimulates language skills and imagination. We look at the picture and arrange as many questions as possible (what are the people in the picture doing? Where is the action taking place? What is the season? What color are the things in the picture? Etc., etc.)