Five reasons why teachers leave school
We have analyzed and identified 5 key reasons why teachers are willing to leave their favorite job. Five reasons why teachers leave school.

In schools, the shortage of teachers in schools is growing every year. Although the demand for pedagogical specialties is increasing among entrants, fewer and fewer young professionals are seeking to go to work after school. And young and proactive teachers after a few years of practice are increasingly changing jobs. Why is there such a trend? We have analyzed and identified 5 key reasons why teachers are willing to leave their favorite job.
Five reasons why teachers leave school
The desire to earn more
Unfortunately, even with the increases in recent years, the salaries of public school teachers remain below the average income.
If we compare in the labor market the salaries of public school teachers and employees without higher education, even without the requirements of special skills, the result will often not be in favor of teachers.
At the same time, although the working day officially lasts less than 8 hours, in fact, it is unregulated for teachers. It can be both short and lasts from 8 am to 10 pm. In addition, there are numerous job responsibilities and a high level of responsibility.
Of course, not everyone can withstand such a work schedule, and one enthusiasm and love for children will not last long. Is it possible to have a high income working in a public school?
You can! If you implement modern online tools or practice non-standard techniques in lessons, you can become a speaker at webinars, seminars, or conferences on any of the many domestic educational online platforms.
If you have a great work or idea to create a manual or textbook, offer them to publishers who specialize in the preparation of educational materials.
You can secure additional income in the following areas:
- Create your own course and win a grant;
- To become a webinar speaker;
- Become an online tutor by creating an appropriate account.
- Your own work and ideas may well provide you with a stable extra income.
Professional burnout
In the first year of work, a young specialist needs to learn a lot. But later, from time to time going through the same program material with students, from the monotony of work the teacher may feel apathy and find himself in professional stagnation. And this is the first bell of professional burnout. Did you feel that? What can help to get out of this state?
How not to succumb to apathy? Only you can help yourself! Learn something new, apply the acquired knowledge in practice, experiment! Students are happy to rush to classes with creative teachers because their lessons are always interesting! And when you see in the classroom the interested eyes of your students and their admiration - this is the best motivator and source of positive emotions!
Insufficient space for creativity
Creative educators are close to the usual lessons, they want to experiment with new teaching formats, teaching methods and online tools.
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However, schools have very different levels of material support and, accordingly, space for the realization of the creative potential of teachers - as well. Of course, the conditions in metropolitan and rural schools are extremely different. And the program is the same, and the requirements for students' knowledge are the same.
Paper bureaucracy
Silly work kills motivation. And this is enough at school! Everyone had to write reports that are needed only for the "bird", work plans for educational activities that cannot be physically carried out in the specified volume, and much more. When you understand that no one will read this writing, and you have to spend time on it and it is often quite significant - it demotivates and depresses. Chronic depression leads to burnout. Is it possible to overcome paper bureaucracy?
Unfortunately, no, but you can adjust and make your life easier! Initiate at least the translation of paper documents into electronic form at school, because it is really more convenient. And plans that are repeated from year to year can be easily duplicated using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V! It really saves time and effort. And they are needed for real lessons.
Mobbing in the teaching staff
Public school is an extremely conservative environment, otherness is not welcomed in any way. Victims of harassment can be both incompetent workers and recognized specialists who have impressed the whole country with their pedagogical achievements.
Harassment leads to moral devastation, a state of chronic depression, and serious psychosomatic illnesses. However, this phenomenon can and should be combated. And it is better to prevent its occurrence.
The teacher is a completely ungrateful and at the same time the most grateful profession in the world! Whether you should stay in the profession or it's time to change something in your life, it all depends on what prevails on your personal scales - the disadvantages or advantages of teaching.