Goal setting: set a goal and find resources

that will help to properly formulate goals, find resources for them and distribute the load. Goal setting: set a goal and find resources.

Goal setting: set a goal and find resources
Goal setting: set a goal and find resources

Apparently, everyone has had a task in their life: a task / idea or a dream, but it still remains unrealized. The reasons may be different: vaguely stated goal; it is unclear where to start; such a scale that it's scary to start, and sometimes we just don't believe in our own strength. A practical psychologist will introduce us to techniques that will help to properly formulate goals, find resources for them and distribute the load. Goal setting: set a goal and find resources.

Exercises to work with your goals

  1. Exercise "I am not an imarticalor".

Disrespecting ourselves, we simultaneously refuse to respect those who love us. So this exercise will help us to actualize resources and eventually stop criticizing ourselves, because, obviously, it will only pull us down.

We take sheets and pens and answer the following questions for ourselves:

  1. Remember what you were told "thank you" for the last 10 times.
  2. Remember what good you did in your career? What would not be in your institution without you?
  3. Remember what you were cool at and what problems you gave advice to?
  4. Make a list of evidence: work results, reviews, diplomas, certificates.
  5. Exercise "Palm" (work with self-esteem, definition of the main goals and resources of the individual)

Very often incorrectly set goals or those that cause a high level of anxiety greatly deplete our resource. That is why it is important to learn to set goals correctly and achieve them without all the anxious thoughts that hinder us.

For this exercise on a sheet of paper, we circle our palm, and then:

  • On the fingers we prescribe two achievements in the personal and three in the professional spheres for the last academic year;
  • At the bottom of the palm we prescribe two professional goals and one in the personal sphere for the next year;
  • In the center we write resources that help us achieve the goal.

  1. Goal setting according to the SMART method.

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This technique helps us to formulate our goals correctly, because without it the process will not be able to start properly.

The abbreviation SMART is a set of criteria by which the goal is formulated, namely:

  • SPECIFIC - specific;
  • MEASURABLE - measured;
  • ACHIEVABLE - achievable;
  • RELEVANT - relevant, significant;
  • TIME BOUNDED - limited in time.

We choose a certain goal and analyze it with these parameters (we specify it, determine how relevant it is for us, in what period of time we have to achieve it, and so on).

  1. Goal planning and resource analysis.

Stages of goal setting:

Stage 1 - a dream.

Stage 2 - formulating a goal based on a dream.

Stage 3 - decomposition of the goal (decomposition into sub-goals).

Stage 4 - identification of tasks that will lead to the goal.

Stage 5 - record all previous stages in a convenient way.

In order to further lay out everything on the shelves, you can create a table, breaking down each sub-goal into tasks; prescribe what tools will help you achieve it, the people you can turn to for help and the timing of its implementation.