How to get a job after graduation
may already have some interviews in stock or even have a possible workplace in your internship. How to get a job after graduation.

The thousands of students who graduated this spring all have an idea in their heads that the party is over. Now there will be no more cozy coffee with friends or club on a Thursday. Now it's time to start looking for a job. Some of you may already have some interviews in stock or even have a possible workplace in your internship. How to get a job after graduation.
However, it is not always super easy to get a job in your favorite area that pays directly. Often it can be internships or work with the right shitty salary that awaits. Sure, it may seem tough, but there is still a lot that you as a job seeker can do to increase your chances of finding a job after your degree!
First and foremost, you should ignore what the media says. There are jobs out there. Panicked headlines that say it's impossible to get a job right now are eye-catching, sure, but are they really true? Headlines like this mean that many do not dare or have the strength to apply for the jobs they actually want. When I applied for an internship, I also applied for the jobs that I actually never thought I would get, because who knows?
- Educating yourself is not the answer
Many students are satisfied with their undergraduate degree and get the jobs they are looking for. It is of course true that you get more jobs if you have an academic education, but unless a workplace requires that you should further your education or if you want to niche yourself in something, not further education is not an answer. If you are to be able to find a job, even during a recession, it is to see it as a full-time job in itself. Get up at eight o'clock and search around on the internet, go around to different offices where you want to apply for a job, sign up for different recruiters, build a network. You have finished your studies and even if it does not feel particularly reassuring, this is your next step.
- Review the industry you have chosen
The digital revolution has changed the way and many industries are now upside down. The music industry, book publishers and newspaper publishers are obvious examples, but other industries also suffer from it. In many cases, this means that your "dream job" may not exist or has the right cash paid. In many industries, for example in the media, there is high pressure on jobs, which means that many during the first year of their careers work for free. To get a foothold in the industry simply, to start somewhere.
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Try to do your research and do not choose to jump into an industry that may be dead in five years
- A "perfect" resume is a myth
Many people are quite obsessed with creating the perfect CV. But is there really such a thing? If it is clear and lists your skills and experiences, it is clear. You do not have to spend hours finding the best headline or font. If your application looks good (based on your experience) then it will go well. However, I would like to suggest listing your work experiences in the order you started and left them and try to make it as easy to read as possible. Do not focus on trying to stand out. You have to wait until the job interview.
Another tip is to make yourself attractive online. Your employer will most likely check out your Facebook and LinkedIn accounts. So make sure to clean up a bit there. Now may be the time to remove the image of yourself when you have a lampshade on your head at the latest home party.
Feel free to spruce up your LinkedIn profile as well, and if you do not have one, it is probably time to get one. It is an incredibly good network where both national and international employers can see you. Update yourself there often and create a network online.
- Do not forget the smaller jobs
For many, who have graduated and think that they immediately deserve to end up in a big shot company in the middle of the city, the disappointment may be a fact. Do not dismiss small companies with just under 250 employees. Apply for jobs at smaller companies as well and work your way up. You can not expect to get the dream job right after your degree.
- Offer your services - but do not beg and ask for a job
Your personal letter should not be followed up with a sob story that you do not have a job and are starting to get desperate and would give everything to work for you! This just seems clingy and does not show your potential at all. Rather emphasize what it is you are looking for and can offer. The employer will only hire those who they think will be able to contribute, and not to be nice. There are many who are in your seat out there and pulling with any butter technique will not work. Also, do not offer to work for free. You will not get anywhere with it. Do not underestimate your own efforts. Keep your self-confidence!
- If that does not work, select a new procedure
A huge mistake that I think many people make is to end up in a hamster wheel and use the same technology when looking for a job. And then whining about how they applied for five thousand jobs and did not get a single interview. If you have applied for fifty jobs and not received a single interview, it is probably time to change strategy.
Different industries require different methods. You simply have to drive on what feels best. Either you go to the office and knock, call, change your personal letter, etc.
- All the experience you have is good
No matter how lame you think these experiences sound if you are applying for a job at a printing company, do not hesitate to include them in your resume! Think back and see this through the job of an employer. A job as a college leader may show that you are responsible and a letter of recommendation from your boss from there will surely boost your chances! Think of everything. It's not just your jobs that are interesting. What challenges have you encountered in these experiences and what did you do to overcome them? Everything that is worth telling you must have prepared. Then maybe it's not worth telling in detail about every little thing, but keep that in mind when you get an interview.
- Show your personality!
Sure, of course you should be a professional when applying for a job, but be yourself. An inflated (nervous perhaps), stiff academic with the shirt buttoned up to the chin and a flat look is not something anyone would be particularly interested in. Show that you actually have a personality and be yourself! You have more natural abilities than you realize. Now you may not want to dress in softies and not have a shower, but to make a good impression you should just relax and do your best.
Of course you may be nervous and there is nothing wrong with that. Rather the opposite. If an employer sees this, but at the same time understands that you are confident enough in yourself to be able to do a good job, then you have greater chances than if you think of the smallest word you say and do not meet the gaze.