How to write a professional CV for your first job?

for it. Check what information you should include in your CV for your first job. How to write a professional CV for your first job.

How to write a professional CV for your first job?
How to write a professional CV for your first job?

A properly written CV can make a recruiter interested in even a newly graduated high school, technical college or artical-secondary school graduate who is just taking his first steps on the labor market. It often turns out that the lack of professional experience does not exclude a candidate - especially if he has the knowledge and skills that perfectly compensate for it. Check what information you should include in your CV for your first job. How to write a professional CV for your first job.

What should be included in the CV for the first job?

Contrary to appearances, the CV for the first job does not have to be empty, and a candidate without professional experience can successfully recruit for a dream position. The key is to structure it in such a way as to highlight the skills that are desired in the chosen industry. See how to write a CV for your first job.

Personal data - in this section you must provide your data - name, surname, address, e-mail address and telephone number. Do not write about your maiden name, marital status, place of birth or number of children, unless required by your employer.

Education - if you are a student, skip the information about high school. If you are not studying, mention high school graduation and its profile. Graduates of technical secondary schools or artical-secondary schools who have a diploma confirming vocational qualifications are in a good situation - especially if they are looking for a job in the same industry.

Apprenticeships and internships - information about internships and apprenticeships can be very valuable for the employer, especially if you have no other experience. It is also a sign that you want to acquire knowledge and skills, so do not omit them in your CV.

Extra-curricular activities, volunteering, charity work - providing information about your activities in charity organizations may make the recruiter evaluate you as a person involved in helping others, who does not count only on financial benefits. Don't forget to list what you do extra - it's also a valuable experience.

Science or student clubs - if you participated in a student or research club, be sure to mention it in your CV for your first job. Especially if thanks to this you could take part in trainings, events and courses. Describe your activities and the duties you performed.

Extra-curricular activities, volunteering, charity work - providing information about your activities in charity organizations may make the recruiter evaluate you as a person involved in helping others, who does not count only on financial benefits. Don't forget to list what you do extra - it's also a valuable experience.

Science or student clubs - if you participated in a student or research club, be sure to mention it in your CV for your first job. Especially if thanks to this you could take part in trainings, events and courses. Describe your activities and the duties you performed.

Hard and soft skills - do you have a driving license? Do you know English fluently? Do you handle specific computer programs with ease? Are you open, communicative, punctual and committed? Both hard and soft skills can be your ticket to your dream job.

Winning contests, competitions and other achievements - do not be shy to brag about your achievements in your CV. Thanks to them, you will let the recruiter know you as a committed, goal-driven and ambitious person.

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Interests and passions - Do you run a blog? Do you have your own website? Do you shoot movies on YT? Be sure to also present them to the employer in your CV. Thanks to this, he will be able to verify your hobbies - especially if they are related to the position you apply for.

What mistakes in the CV for the first job should not be made?

People who are just getting their start on the job market very often make gross errors in their CVs for their first job. Unfortunately, even the seemingly trivial ones can completely delete the candidate in the eyes of the employer and take away his or her chance to be employed in the industry of his dreams. Before submitting your application, check if there are any of the flowers listed below.

Inappropriate photo - This is one of the most common rejections errors. Including a selfie or a cut out photo from the event in your CV (no matter that you came out very favorably on it) is considered unprofessional. So, what kind of photography will work best in a CV? One where you are dressed in an elegant outfit and made on a light background. A slight smile is also welcome.

Informal e-mail address - As with a photo, a triviality such as an e-mail address can also strike a candidate off. Avoid using an e-mail with your nickname or a funny domain name in the name (e.g. or Create a professional address based on the formula:

Errors and typos - stylistic, spelling and punctuation errors, as well as typos do not prove a candidate for an employee. Such a resume is considered sloppy and does not encourage the recruiter to invite him to an interview. If you know you make mistakes, turn on auto-correction in your word processing program and ask a loved one to read your resume carefully.

Form over content - are you thinking about sending a non-standard and very creative CV for your first job? Consider whether your employer expects you to show off your graphic skills. If you are applying for the position of designer, photographer or graphic designer - fine. Otherwise, an elegant, transparent template with subdued colors is enough.

Wrong file format - it's best to send your CV in a pdf file - thanks to this you will avoid a situation in which the recruiter will not be able to open it.

Do not forget about the consent to the processing of personal data, which should be at the end of each CV. This is one of the first things an employer pays attention to and if you don't artical it, they will probably reject your application at the outset. Also, check that the formula you are using is up to date. Some companies provide ready-made content in the advertisement, which you just need to paste into a file with your CV.

You already know how to write a CV for your first job, so we have no choice but to wish you good luck!