E-learning is the future of education? Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning
choice of the teaching model. Check what are the basic advantages and disadvantages of e-learning. E-learning is the future of education.

In times of pandemic, many people wonder what the advantages of e-learning are. The benefits of this form of teaching are certainly time savings, access to many teaching materials and attractive forms of presenting content. Although e-learning has many advantages, it is not a perfect form of education. It is worth bearing this in mind before deciding on the choice of the teaching model. Check what are the basic advantages and disadvantages of e-learning. E-learning is the future of education.
E-learning - what is it?
E-learning is a way of distance learning that uses information technology. During the pandemic, e-learning allows you to continue the learning process while limiting the spread of the infection. Pupils, learners and students benefit from online communication that replaces traditional lectures. Distance learning is also a good solution for people who want to improve their qualifications and obtain a certificate without leaving home.
E-learning - advantages and disadvantages
The years of dynamic development of the Internet have made it difficult to imagine everyday life without it. This powerful tool not only provides entertainment and enables contact with people around the world, but also greatly facilitates work and education.
Advantages of e-learning
The ability to use multiple devices - the computer is not an essential tool. Online courses can be accessed through other devices such as a mobile phone or tablet.
Comfort and time saving - the advantage of remote education is also time saving and comfort. Students do not have to travel to places where classroom classes are held, so they do not incur transport costs. Additionally, they can combine study with duties, private and professional life.
Eliminating the phenomenon of social exclusion - online courses are often attended by people with physical disabilities and the sick, for whom movement is significantly difficult or impossible.
Access to numerous teaching materials - course users can use textbooks, discussion boards, text files, tests and assignments.
Ability to consolidate knowledge - course users can repeatedly perform the same tests or tasks, thanks to which they consolidate the acquired knowledge. The advantage is also the ability to return to interesting resources at a convenient time and place.
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Attractive forms of presenting content - e-learning also uses many multimedia forms of presenting knowledge, such as recordings, films, games and presentations, which are attractive for the student.
Higher results on exams - research also shows that thanks to well-prepared e-learning courses, their participants achieve higher results on exams, learn the material faster, like classes more, and their approach to learning is better.
Disadvantages of e-learning
Limiting interpersonal contacts - the main disadvantage of distance learning is limiting contacts with other people who cannot be replaced by instant messaging. Students may feel isolated because the tutor is unable to answer their individual questions and needs. In face-to-face activities, participants often learn from themselves and may enter into discussions. Problematic for the trainee is also the need to spend more time on developing e-learning materials.
Lack of motivation and self-discipline - not every course participant has enough motivation to learn and self-discipline to prepare for classes on their own. Especially when nobody has control over it and there are many distractions around.
It is not possible to organize practical classes in a remote form - not all subjects can be carried out in the form of remote courses. We are talking about practical classes in which tools or devices are used, as well as foreign language courses.
Technical problems - limitations in the Internet supply or too slow connection.
High costs - due to the implementation of the distance learning system, the institution incurs high costs. These include the purchase of equipment and a professional platform, training of the teachers and the development of the course.