Importance of vitamins in kidsâ„¢ daily meals
in our growth. Vitamin A is helpful to our eyesight, it improves our vision and helps us see colours. Importance of vitamins in kids.

The substances found in our food are called vitamins and minerals. Our bodies need these substances in order to function properly. Vitamins and minerals are essential for growth and development of children. Different types of vitamins have a different part to play in our growth. Vitamin A is helpful to our eyesight, it improves our vision and helps us see colours. Importance of vitamins in kids.
It is also useful in human body fight against infections as it boosts human immunity. Vitamin B has quite a group which includes B1, B2, B6, B12, biotin, niacin and folic acid. These vitamins have their importance for metabolic activity in our body. They help the body in making energy.
The group of B vitamins is extremely significant in terms of red blood cells that carry oxygen through the whole body. Vitamin C keeps our bones, blood cells and gums in good shape. It helps the body to heal after receiving a cut or injury. To keep our bones strong we need vitamin D, this vitamin helps in absorption of calcium in the body.
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The type of vitamin that protects human tissues and cells from any kind of damage is vitamin E. the last one on the list is vitamin K which is called as clot-master because it helps cells in our blood to stick together to help stop bleeding when we get a cut on our skin. The two classes of vitamins are water soluble and fat soluble.
Fat tissues of human body store fat-soluble vitamins after we eat something, they stay there and are consumed when our body is in need of these vitamins. Among this class of vitamins are vitamin A, D, E and Vitamin K. Whereas vitamins that are water soluble travel in blood stream. If human body does not consume them, they come out of body through urine. Vitamin C and Bi vitamins fall in this class. Feeding kids with a variety of food is necessary to provide them with all the types of vitamins.