Private schools: a matter of trust

institution, preference should be given exclusively to public universities. This is justified, but there are exceptions. Private schools.

Private schools: a matter of trust
Private schools: a matter of trust

Many people are of the opinion that when choosing a higher education institution, preference should be given exclusively to public universities. This is justified, but there are exceptions. Private schools.

To believe that both the quality of education and the level of teaching staff are high only in public universities - means not to notice the changes that have taken place in the domestic higher school over the past ten to fifteen years.

In private universities that offer truly quality education, programs and teaching methods are more advanced, more modern than public ones. As for the staff, it is in private universities that bold and enterprising teachers from public universities go. The fact is that most often they do not find support for their endeavors; they are pressed by the outdated "ceiling" of programs and techniques. And the material factor (no secret to anyone, that salaries in public universities are ridiculously low) plays a role. And many of the teachers combine activities in their "alma mater" and teaching in commercial universities. So, the idea of €¹€¹"haphazard" teaching in private universities may be a misconception.

The most common dangers

But do not think that choosing a private university, you reduce all risks to zero just because you pay for tuition. There were cases of termination of commercial universities as such. It often happened that graduates' diplomas were not quoted by employers at all. It is also quite possible to collect money under the "progressive" system, when you have to pay more and more for each course, but why and for what - is completely unclear. All these and other problems are the costs of paying for higher education, but they must be taken into account when choosing an educational institution.

At the application stage (or better yet, a year or two before the entrance exams) you need to talk to the students of the university you have chosen. From their lips you will hear what is not mentioned in the brochures of a private university. Namely - whether the educational institution works by the method of "all inclusive", ie, whether the provision of literature, the use of material and technical means,

Library, Internet, etc. in the total cost of education? If so, trust in such a university should increase. If not, you need to find out how much extra money will go to all these services, and whether the sheepskin is worth making...

Looking to the future

One of the most important points to pay attention to is the internship and employment in the specialty. Reputable private universities often have an employment service that provides elective students and graduates with elective vacancies, and in prestigious companies.

If a private university is not concerned about the future of its graduates, as well as the rating of its diploma in the labor market - this is a worrying symptom. It is possible that the quality of education in such a university is quite low.

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If we pay for tuition, then we have the right to expect quality and full education. Therefore, it is not superfluous to find out what programs are taught, whether the university uses modern methods, whether there is an opportunity for internships and internships abroad, etc. In this sense, the level of teaching foreign languages €¹€¹(primarily English) is indicative. If high school students of your chosen university cannot connect two words in English, and the second foreign language and do not have to speak, do not enter this institution. Without a good knowledge of the language today, unthinkable success in any field of activity.

Consider all the points

Pay attention to the conditions of training - security, repair, cleanliness, material and technical base, food, additional classes, etc. A good commercial university will provide you with all these conditions at a quality level. Doubtful - hardly.

Preparatory courses, schools and departments are also a great way to get acquainted with the chosen university, especially since graduates of these courses are usually given discounts and benefits upon admission. The training courses are taught by university teachers, so you can easily assess the quality of education, and - more globally - the correctness of your choice in general.

Do not forget such moments as a state diploma, deferment from the army and the introduction of ALL financial obligations in the contract that you enter into with a commercial university. In general, the contract is better studied with a lawyer, or at least with parents. There should be no vague wording in the contract, all obligations and rights of the parties should be clearly stated. Pay special attention to the circumstances in which the contract may be terminated; on the system of fines; for different options for monetary compensation.

Reputable commercial universities usually draw up their contracts, given all these points. They do not want to lose their good name and earned credibility due to legal problems and financial misunderstandings. Ask students. Enroll in preparatory courses. After numerous checks and weighings, your choice will be the right one. And for your money you will get a really high quality higher education that will allow you to achieve professional and personal success in the future.