Regular learning - bad habits of children to avoid
Learning and regular learning are the way to your child's success. Find out what mistakes are most often made by young people while studying.

Learning and regular learning are the way to your child's success. Find out what mistakes are most often made by young people while studying.
Why is it worth making children aware of the importance of regular learning and what habits should be avoided in order to be successful at school? Good study and study habits are essential to your children's lives. They can help them avoid many school failures.
From bad grades, problems in tests and exams, to problems getting into their dream studies, every teenager is afraid of these consequences. Read our article and discover the most common bad habits associated with regular learning.
Regular Study - Learn Bad Habits To Avoid
In many cases, the lack of the ability to learn reliably and regularly is characterized by strong demotivation. This condition could simply be caused by your child's lack of organization and bad habits.
Researching and determining which skills your children are lacking can affect their educational opportunities and future careers. Perhaps catching up and putting the educational sphere in order may make the difference between leaving school early and successfully overcoming the stage of education at which they are now.
how can you help ignite children's enthusiasm for regular study?
Typically, this discouragement to study is closely related to the lack of learning skills. This lack of work organization prevents the establishment of effective and regular study sessions. In other words, children are too lazy and confused to learn properly and often because they don't really know how to do it.
If you help them organize this element, it may help them master the required material. Below, we examine the most common bad learning habits among children. A little self-criticism is always good and is the first positive step in progressing and improving your school performance.
Common bad learning habits in children
- Lack of planning for learning sessions
It is important to draw up a timetable for classroom and extra-curricular activities. This will allow you to plan the time your child will spend each afternoon on each subject. Trying to master the material at the last minute in a panic attack is never successful.
Encourage your child to always write down the dates of the next tests and quizzes. Planning the study and dividing it over several days will help you master the material in a more relaxed rhythm and for longer.
Trying to roll night into the day before the test causes fatigue, stress, and anxiety. If a child panics, has bouts of stress and abdominal pain before each test, they are not learning the right way.
- Studying with loud music or the radio on is not conducive to concentration
However, there are studies confirming the effectiveness in improving concentration in people studying with instrumental and classical music (for example Mozart). If the activity does not require so much concentration, soft and calm music should not cause any problems.
- Dirty and cluttered study area
None of us would like to learn in a workplace full of papers and with a pile of rubbish. The important thing is to keep the study area tidy and clean. Not only is this more hygienic, it allows our brain to focus on the task at hand.
In addition, the aesthetic environment will be more inviting to spend time there and study longer. You also need to make sure that your baby has everything he needs on hand. He won't have to distract himself from an exercise or task every now and then. Provide him with colored pencils, an eraser, a highlighter, a ruler, and clean paper.
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- Studying in bed is the most common bad study habits
If a child is preparing for a very difficult test and it takes a long time to study, they must feel comfortable. However, you shouldn't let him study in bed. Probably after a few minutes, he will want to take a nap.Our brain is used to the fact that the bed is a place to rest
- Science - excess material and backlog
If the child has not planned a weekly study schedule and the material has increased each day, there will come a day when oversaturation will occur and the backlog will accumulate. Then there will be a crisis, and each of the tasks will be performed by the child, as he will run out of time.
He probably won't be able to concentrate and will quit studying before he even starts. Having a good outline of your work and taking notes on a daily basis can help you avoid this situation and build up the backlog.
- Learning by heart and cramming content
Sometimes there is no choice but to start studying. However, it can seem very boring. Memorizing a text, however, is not creative and does not bring results.
You can use information and communication technology (ICT) to make the activities more enjoyable. Concept maps, YouTube videos, graphics and infographics. You can teach your child to take advantage of anything that will help him to assimilate and learn the required content.
- Too many distractions while studying
There is nothing wrong with using ICT, but your child needs to know how to control himself. If he has Instagram open on smartphone and Facebook on computer, his focus is on social media, not what he has to learn.
During study hours, you shouldn't spend time browsing the internet or chatting with friends.
- Not having regular breaks is one of the worst learning habits
Marathon study sessions are not productive. In general, people can maintain a good level of concentration for a maximum of 50 minutes to 1 hour. We recommend that you start learning something that feels simple, a bit like warming up. Then take a break every hour to ventilate the room, have a snack, and clear your mind.
- Study in the living room or kitchen
You won't be able to concentrate if your brother is watching TV, the mother is talking on the phone, or the dog is barking. You must have your own study space that allows you to study in silence, isolated from noise and distractions.
Good learning habits - conclusions
If you see that your child is making the above mistakes, this is actually the first step to success. Remember that the first step is always to recognize the mistakes you are making.
Now that you know what should not be done, we hope it will help you improve your study habits. The secret is in motivation and persistence.