Tag: Culture

The Education System in Japan: A Comprehensive Overview

The Education System in Japan: A Comprehensive Overview

The education system in Japan is known for its rigor and focus on academic achie...

All the English rugby terms you need to know

All the English rugby terms you need to know

Rugby was invented over 200 years ago in a town called Rugby. Today, rugby is on...

New Year's traditions around the world

New Year's traditions around the world

Are you in the mood for new New Year's traditions? In addition to counting down ...

Skate sports: learn about the most important ones

Skate sports: learn about the most important ones

Skate sports can take place on a wide variety of surfaces, each with its own rul...

Government of Balochistan and PPAF to Deepen Ties

Government of Balochistan and PPAF to Deepen Ties

Government of Balochistan (GoB) and senior management of Pakistan Poverty Allevi...

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Should we implement better Islamic education in our schools?

Should we implement better Islamic education in our sch...

Islamic education is extremely important for the schooling system in Pakistan. S...