Teacher - stop!

Tips on what the director and leader shouldn't do, and how they do it is worth stopping. I thought they were simple and clearly described. They will be useful to school principals, school leaders, but also teachers. The teacher is the class leader, he manages it, so it is worth considering whether these tips could also be used in the classroom.
Stop talking a lot. Leaders often feel that their position obliges them to speak up on every issue. As a result, they disturb others and discourage them from speaking out. Listen more than speak.
School: The clue may seem controversial as we often understand teaching as imparting knowledge to students. However, the less the teacher says and the more students the better for the teaching process. I even heard the sentence: "After a successful lesson, the teacher leaves refreshed and the students are tired."
Stop thinking you know best. The problem is thinking that you are the smartest person on the team. It is worth surrounding ourselves with wise people who can help us with their wisdom. If we listen to and respect the opinions of others, we learn and develop from each other.
Stop creating unattainable goals. It is worth setting yourself and others ambitious goals, but they must always be realistic. Unrealistic goals create stress and discourage the team.
School: This is a dream tip for the teacher. Set goals so that students can achieve them.
Must Read: Degrees and Success
Stop controlling everything. Instead of control - autonomy and trust. Only in this way can the team and its individual members develop.
School: This tip is difficult, because how do you leave control to your students? After all, students are not adults. However, if we lose control and give students freedom (e.g. choice) then students will take responsibility for their learning process, which will increase the chance of success.
Stop considering a good job to be a duty. Sure, everyone should work well, but they should also be appreciated and thanked for it. Employees must be regularly recognized for their effort, commitment and work.
School: This is a tough tip. After all, teaching is a student's responsibility, so why appreciate it? However, every effort is worth appreciating. There is a place in school to celebrate that we are learning.
Hold your promises. Promise only what you can do and keep your promises.
School: The student counts on his teacher to be reliable, fair and reliable. Therefore, if you make a promise, you must keep it, and you cannot change the rules of the game in the process. It is worth considering what is promised!
Stop imposing unnecessary rules. Create and obey only those rules that are necessary. Avoid rules that make life difficult for employees.
School: The school has many rules and regulations that students should follow. If there are too many of them, they are not followed. It is a good idea to announce only the necessary rules and make a list of them with the students.
Stop criticizing people in public. The point is not to give up criticism at all, but not to make it public. Public criticism is disrespect to other people. Provide constructive feedback politely and privately.
School: This tip is quite obvious, but not followed at all in school. Students are criticized and assessed in public. Can this be changed?
Stop acting alone. Appreciate the power of cooperation. Follow the old saying: If you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go together.
School: Teachers usually take full responsibility for the lessons. It is worth sharing this responsibility with students, giving them more independence and the possibility to choose and decide. Ideally, the students and the teacher form a harmonious team.