Today's modern society
Today's modern society is completely dependent on technology to function and this in a completely different way than before. Certainly

Today's modern society is completely dependent on technology to function and this in a completely different way than before. Certainly there was a lot of technology in society even in the past in the world, but one was not dependent on it in the same way. For example, what would happen if you removed all computers from society, yes it would probably stay.
In principle, everyone today uses some form of technology and most of us also work in some way with technology. In addition, new technology is constantly being developed.
However, it is important to remember that there has been some form of technological development for several thousand years, however, during the last 100-150 years this has accelerated in an almost unimaginable way.
At the end of the 19th century came the electricity, the light bulb, the telephone and the car. Three inventions that have been extremely important for the development of today's modern society.
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At the beginning of the 20th century, the aircraft made its entrance and a few decades later also radio and television. After the Second World War, computers began to develop more and more, but it was not until the 1980s and especially in the 1990s that they would also become important to the common man.
In the same vein also came a technical creation that definitely belongs to one of the greatest inventions in world history, namely the Internet, which in principle made it possible to access the whole world wherever you were. Today, most of us use the Internet daily and it is difficult to imagine a life without the Internet, even though it is only like that 20 years since it was introduced on a broad front.
What will be the next step in the technical development can of course only be speculated on, but it will probably be something that today is almost difficult to imagine. 15-20 years ago, for example, it was difficult to imagine that you could surf the net with your mobile phone at the same time as the mobile phone would be completely without buttons but controlled by a touch screen.