Unusual types of drawing as a form of creative development in children

Express themselves; They do not have canons and norms imposed by society on the use of fine arts. Unusual types of drawing.

Unusual types of drawing as a form of creative development in children
Unusual types of drawing as a form of creative development in children

When working with creative materials, children develop observation, attention, imagination, perseverance, creative thinking. Drawing, creating, creating unusual images - this is what everyone can do, and especially to the liking of children. After all, they are free to express themselves; they do not have canons and norms imposed by society on the use of fine arts. Unusual types of drawing.

In the webinar, earlier a practical psychologist of the highest category will acquaint pedagogical workers with the author's work and experience in using non-traditional drawing methods in working with children.

Child development through creativity

Beginning at the age of 3, the child actively learns about the world, shows creative abilities, is in contact with the world, and personal qualities and character traits begin to form in him. In preschool, a child develops a need for self-expression, which is associated with the wild imagination and imagination of the child. It is thanks to creativity that a child develops his abilities and talents, as well as looking for an occupation that he will like, which can later become his favorite thing.

In the process of working with creative materials, children develop observation, attention, imagination, perseverance, creative thinking, spontaneity, inner freedom. When a child draws, he expresses himself, his emotional state, worldview, attitude to the world around him. Creative classes develop a child's discipline; he learns to bring things to an end, to be sedentary and focused.

Moreover, a creative person is free in his actions and thoughts. She is able to navigate faster, see an alternative in the choice, better get out of a difficult situation

Non-traditional drawing

Unconventional drawing is a way to create a new, original creative art in which everything is in harmony: color, line, and plot. This is a great opportunity for children to think, try, search, experiment, and most importantly - express themselves.

The advantage of unusual types of drawing is that they do not have the concept of "right / wrong", that is, they allow the child to avoid mistakes and thus protect themselves from comments and criticism.

Drawing with non-standard materials and original techniques allows children to feel unforgettable positive emotions. Images that arise in the child's imagination and are reproduced on paper, can help to identify and convey in such a safe way all those thoughts, feelings, desires that are difficult to convey in words.

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Techniques of non-traditional drawing

Drawing with a cocktail straw.

On a sheet of paper (it is better to take watercolor paper) you need to drip paint and use a cocktail tube to inflate it according to the desired result, and then try to turn this blot, for example, into a creature.

Thread drawing (thread printing).

You will need thread, paper, and gouache to create such a pattern. First, you should fold the landscape sheet in half, then arbitrarily place a thread on one part of it, pre-immersed in paint. Next, you should cover the thread with the white part of our sheet and press the folded sheet with your hand.


You need to take any object, soak it in paint and make an imprint.


First, you need to make any strokes on a sheet of paper, fold it, press them, smooth and open. This way you will get an interesting symmetrical pattern.

Magic picture.

You should draw any picture on paper with a wax pencil. Then draw the entire plane of the sheet with anyone (or more) paints. After that, the child will see the image that was hidden.

Dot drawing (pointel).

To work in this drawing technique, students will need cosmetic cotton swabs, a pencil, and paints Thanks to the working tools, the child will put dots on the paper, and any image will come out of these dots.

Drawing with colored bubbles.

You need to mix the paint, water, and a little shampoo or detergent beforehand. Then put a cocktail straw there, blow into it, create bubbles. And place a sheet of paper on top of the container so that the bubble is reflected on the sheet. You can then add details to these bubbles and create a variety of drawings.

Drawing with glue.

First, the child should draw the contours of the future drawing on a sheet of white paper with a pencil (it is important that the lines do not intersect often). Then you should take the glue and circle these contours.

Griffon (doodles).

The child should take the pencils in both hands, close his eyes, start drawing, and the teacher says "stop" at any time. Then the children should be creative: try to see some images in the doodles and paint them.

Drawing with plasticine.

Plasticine can be used not only for modeling but also for painting. It is necessary to layout small pieces of plasticine on cardboard and, pressing, to stretch it on all surfaces.