Who is more important; Friends or family?

whereas people who have no blood relation with you, will come and go. Strong bond with family is a part of being healthy. Friends or family.

Who is more important; Friends or family?
Who is more important; Friends or family?

The age-old saying blood is thicker than water is widely believed. Family stays with you whereas people who have no blood relation with you, will come and go. Strong bond with family is a part of being healthy. Friends or family.

If given a chance to choose between friends and family, one will obviously choose family over friends. However, a study conducted recently by scholars at Michigan State University revealed that Americans prefer friends over family. The researchers found that people in America think friendship getting more important as they age.

They added keeping few but sincere friends will make a huge difference to our well-being and health. Now this finding may be true in American context where youth stop living with their parents after they reach 18. Young people strive on their own to receive college degrees, they go for student loans and pay them back after getting jobs.

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Their family support system is not that much strong as in Eastern culture. They are free to choose their life partners, the place they want to live and they spend less time with their families after they are settled down. In such a scenario, it is understandable why friendship can affect their day-to-day happiness and even on the longevity of life.

Friends are indeed a gift of God. Friends become more precious if a friendship survives the test of time. It makes us happy to feel that there is someone out there whom we can turn to for advice and help in times of need. Friends save us from loneliness, but retaining a really good friendship takes time and lots of effort.

Nevertheless, in my personal opinion nothing can compare with family as they are the people who can feel your pain, rejoice in your happiness and stand with you when no other person is ready to support you.