Are Science Fairs and Extra-Curriculars beneficial for students?

table, maintaining healthy social relationships and being €œstreet-smart.€ Science Fairs and Extra-Curriculars beneficial for students.

Are Science Fairs and Extra-Curriculars beneficial for students?
Are Science Fairs and Extra-Curriculars beneficial for students?

Students in the modern day and age are encouraged to be versatile and have various skills and abilities besides their grades in order to be efficient and productive members of the society. However, some parents and educational institutions instill so much course-work and grade pressure on students that they are unable to have a fulfilling extra-curricular life. While this may seem as a non-issue to most, it is clear that when these children grow up and have no other skill other than their grades and studying, they quickly fall behind the bell curve when it comes to landing a job at the interview table, maintaining healthy social relationships and being “street-smart. Science Fairs and Extra-Curriculars beneficial for students.

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Science Fairs instill practical knowledge in students allowing them to conceptualize the abstract concepts they have learn in school helping them understand what the practical application of what they have learnt is. Science Fairs and other curricular activities like debating, religious studies and sports also turn them into well rounded individuals who have a grasp on things other than accumulating grades. This is extremely important as later on these students will be more equipped to deal with the harsh realities of life and will be able to prosper in fields unrelated to their education. Moreover, they will have a more vibrant and lovable personality as they will have more things to talk about in their social circles.

Science Fairs and extra-curriculars are extremely beneficial for students. The importance of these activities is noted by first world countries like the US and the EU who pay a heavy emphasis on developing a curriculum where science fairs, sports activities and various other projects are planned throughout the school year so students shape up into well-rounded individuals. Moreover, colleges and universities in these areas offer scholarships based solely on activities, highlighting their significance in modern day education.