How to strive to meet the learning objectives

Setting learning objectives for students makes the task of teaching easier and more effective. Objectives put the emphasis on the

How to strive to meet the learning objectives
How to strive to meet the learning objectives

Setting learning objectives for students makes the task of teaching easier and more effective. Objectives put the emphasis on the importance of students and learning procedure instead of the teacher or their method. They make courses easier for instructors to teach and rewarding for learners.

In some disciplines these objectives can be equivalent to the goals of a project or learning activity. Learning objective describes what learners need to know or what is doable at end of the course. Students should know what they are required to be able to achieve when a certain class or project is over.

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Objectives set by teachers or syllabus designers are realized in the form of student learning outcomes or SLOs. It is a common practice to indicate these students learning outcomes at the beginning of each unit in a book. Students along with their teachers must strive to engage in the activities prescribed in textbook and those designed by teachers to reach these outcomes.

Creating a positive learning environment is the first need and it cannot be achieved without students„¢ involvement. Students must seek detailed information on a topic on their own besides that given by the teacher. Assessment tools that can measure student learning effectively are a must to attain learning objectives.

Class or home-based tasks and assignments should be clear to students. Collaborative teaching is a good way to teach effectively. Activities and lesson plans need to be revised to adapt them to diverse learning styles of all the students in the class. Inclusion of plans that aim at meeting students„¢ variant needs enhance student development.