Raising children in the digital age
virtual world and games. So it is important to teach children the right attitude to digital technology. Raising children in the digital age.

Modern children understand technology much better than their parents and spend almost all their free time on the computer and gadgets. This negatively affects their physical and intellectual development, because all the interests of the child are focused on the virtual world and games. So it is important to teach children the right attitude to digital technology. Raising children in the digital age.
The recommendations offered in the article will help parents to understand the ever-changing digital world and to formulate in the child a healthy attitude to electronic devices.
Make your own plan for the use of electronic equipment
E-gadgets can help you or may not suit your family values €¹€¹or parenting style. If you use computer technology properly, it helps you have more time during the day. But if you use it thoughtlessly, it displaces many important activities, such as live communication, communication with family, outdoor games, sleep. Plan your leisure time wisely, spend time on all the necessary activities. Treat virtual life as one of the aspects of a child's life. In relation to it, use the same principles of education as in relation to real life. Set reasonable limits. Find out who your child is friends with in real and virtual life. Find out what programs and applications she uses, what sites she visits and what she does online.
Set limits and allow your child to rest
Like any other activity, the use of computer technology requires reasonable restrictions. Part of the child's free time, especially at an early age, should be spent without the use of computer technology. If possible, spend this time with her.
Play and learn with your child. Parental involvement in computer games is also important - it develops the child's skills of social interaction, learning and strengthens ties with relatives. Shared computer games are a great opportunity to demonstrate sportsmanship and etiquette. During the game you also have the opportunity to share your own life experiences and views on the future.
Be a positive role model. Show your child an example of kindness and good manners on the Internet. Because children tend to imitate their parents, do not sit at the computer for too long. You are more likely to get closer to your child during games and activities than when you look at a computer monitor.
Appreciate live communication
Young children learn best through two-way communication. Conversations on various topics are very important for the development of a child's speech. Communication should take place live or at least via video chat (if parents away or with the child communicate with grandparents who live far away). Research has shown that talking to a child about different topics develops their speech much better than "passive" listening or online learning.
Restrict the use of the computer by children
Do not allow children under the age of two to sit at the computer (the only exception may be communication with close relatives via video chat). Children from the age of two can sit at the computer with you - so you can use the computer for educational purposes. For preschoolers, limit your computer time to one hour. Make sure your child views only quality content. Watch it with your child, help her learn what she perceives from the computer screen.
Create zones free of electronics
Do not use gadgets during meals, social events and in the children's bedroom. Turn off the TV when no one is watching, as background sounds interfere with live communication with your child. Charge gadgets at night outside the children's bedroom to save the child from the temptation to use them. Such rules help the family to spend more time together, and the child develops habits of healthy sleep and nutrition. This will have a positive effect on her health and well-being.
Do not use electronic devices to calm the child
The gadget can distract and calm the child, but it should not be the only means. The child needs to be taught to recognize and manage strong emotions, cope with boredom, calm down with deep breathing, find ways to solve problems and manage emotions. Use educational programs for children.
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It is quite normal for a teenager to spend time on the Internet
Online communication is one of the components of adolescent development. Social networks help children learn about themselves and their place in the world of adults. Just make sure your teen is behaving properly in both the real and virtual worlds.
Many teens need to be reminded that online privacy settings do not provide anonymity: their photos, thoughts, and online behaviors shape their virtual image. Stay open, let the child know that you are there in case he needs advice or help
Warn your child about the need for privacy on the Internet
The child should understand that once she has sent messages or shared a photo, they cannot be completely deleted. This is especially true of messages and photos of obscene content. Children should also be aware that criminals often use social networks, chats, e-mail and online games to gain trust.
Remember: children always remain children
In virtual life, they can make mistakes. Try to understand them and learn from them a lesson for the child. However, phenomena such as bullying, messages or obscene photos, etc., can have serious consequences. Parents should be attentive to the child's virtual life and, if necessary, seek professional help.
Electronic devices are an integral part of our daily lives. Used properly, they can be very useful. However, research shows that live communication with family, friends and teachers plays a more important role in a child's development. Pay attention to live communication and do not allow electronic devices to replace it.