S.M.A.R.T success formula: motivate ourselves and students
the desired result at all and not burn out? So! And in this you will be helped by the wonderful technique of S.M.A.R.T. success formula.

Goal setting is one of those life skills that is really hard to master. Why? Because it often resembles an unrealizable dream. Have you noticed that sometimes both you and your students just dream, imagine how you achieve the goal, but do nothing? Of course, this should not be the case! We must be able to set goals and achieve them, and be sure to teach this to students. Is it possible to get the desired result at all and not burn out? So! And in this you will be helped by the wonderful technique of S.M.A.R.T. success formula.
What are the goals of S.M.A.R.T?
Each letter of this abbreviation indicates the characteristics of the goal.
S: specific. The goal should be clear and concise, otherwise you will not be able to concentrate your efforts and feel real interest. The following questions will help to define it:
- What do I want to achieve?
- Why is this goal important?
- Who is involved?
- What resources or constraints are involved?
M: measurable. We need to be able to track our goals and stay motivated to succeed. So answer the question:
- How many?
- How do I know when this will be done?
A: achievable. The goal must be realistic. You need to challenge yourself, but stay within your means. So you should think about the following:
- How can I achieve this goal?
- How realistic is the goal given the other limitations?
R: realistic (relevant). This criterion allows you to determine the importance of the goal. The following questions will help you find a positive answer:
- Is it definitely worth the effort?
- Is this a good time?
- Will I be able to achieve this goal?
T: limited in time. This characteristic will allow you to determine the priority between daily tasks and long-term goals. Ask yourself the following questions:
- When can I do this?
- What can I do today?
S.M.A.R.T life hacks for teachers
We offer several practical examples of goal setting in the format of S.M.A.R.T.
Certification training
It would seem that everything is so clear: the requirements are set by law, and the teacher chooses the time and types of work. But professional growth and self-education require a rational and systematic approach. We offer several goals that will systematize and streamline the process:
“By [date], I will enroll in an online refresher course. In this way, I will improve my professional skills, and also receive a certificate confirming professional growth. "
"By [date] I will attend 2 webinars dedicated to the organization of distance learning. In this way I will be able to improve the quality of the educational process. "
Light? Of course, everything ingenious is simple! And if you break down the goal into components?
- S: The goal specifies what you want to do and why.
- M: Self-reflection will help to determine the progress in achieving the goal (given the number of hours of advanced training received).
- A: This goal is achievable because you control the attendance of events on your own.
- R: Educational products will help to improve pedagogical skills. Therefore, the goal is relevant and realistic.
- T: Registration and holding dates are set for all educational activities. That is, there is a definite deadline for achieving the goal.
Distance learning takes a lot of time, many teachers have even forgotten about their favorite hobby. However, do not dive into the work with your head, take time for yourself! And for this purpose make the "reasonable" purpose:
Must Read: Options to entertain children without internet
"By [date], I plan my time in such a way as to devote at least an hour every day to my favorite things. This will help avoid professional burnout. "
This example is also built on the principle of SMART:
- S: The goal directly answers the question: who, what, when and why.
- M: You determine your progress.
- A: You have a desire to achieve a goal.
- R: It concerns professional activities.
- T: There is a clear deadline.
Work with students
S.M.A.R.T technique is a real find for learning. A reasonable goal can even encourage experimentation!
"From [date] once a week, I will hold games or ask children to do projects instead of standard lectures."
- S: You have set a precise and specific goal.
- M: Increasing student motivation and increasing the level of academic achievement.
- A: Interesting methods and approaches can improve student performance.
- R: Because students want to learn more when they are interested and having fun, this goal is relevant and realistic.
- T: You have a start date and a plan for your weekly activities.
Work with parents of students
Interaction with parents should be clear and well-established. And to make it so again will help S.M.A.R.T. Example:
"By [date], I will talk to ten parents and tell them about their children's achievements."
Let's break down the goal into components:
- S: The statement demonstrates a clear goal.
- M: The unit of measurement will be considered to be each family with which you communicate.
- A: There are all the tools needed to achieve the goal.
- R: The goal is about student achievement and is relevant to the teacher.
- T: You have set a date of achievement and a limit for determining progress.
We set SMART goals with students
The positive impact of goal setting with S.M.A.R.T is hard to overestimate. So teach this to the students as well. Usually children's dreams and aspirations are either too simple or impossible. Some of them want to be a famous blogger, and some - a millionaire. And if you ask them to turn their dreams into real goals, will they be able to do it?
Tell us about S.M.A.R.T in simple language:
S: To begin with, students should focus on what they really want to achieve. Will the goal be clear: "I want to improve my English"? No! But: "I want to get 10 points per semester in English" will work much better! To help students set specific goals, ask them to answer the question, "What do I want to achieve?" and "When do I want to achieve this?".
M: It is important to focus on the results, not on the actions taken. This indicator should be visible, so it can be a thematic assessment. The questions "What do I need to do?", "How do I know that I have achieved my goal?" Will help to determine.
A: One of the most difficult tasks is to make goals achievable. For example, students want to increase their English vocabulary. You should weigh and choose the best option for you. Some will be able to learn 50 new words a week, and for some 10 words is the limit. Questions that students can ask themselves, "Can I actually do this on time?" and "Do I have time to achieve this goal?"
R: Goals should be relevant and personal. Because if it's really important to students, they do it. For example, a student who likes to read but does not like to write may decide to write an essay. But will he do it? But a student who dreams of working in another country can set a long-term goal - to learn English perfectly. So encourage students to ask questions like "Am I interested in this topic?" and "Is it time to achieve this goal?"
T: A realistic deadline should be considered when setting goals. And here the deadline will be useful, because it pushes to action. Here is what the typical goal of "I need a high grade in history" in the format of S.M.A.R.T will look like:
- I will process my synopsis;
- read the relevant sections of the textbook;
- I will write down all the questions I want to ask the teacher.
S.M.A.R.T's ability to set goals is a chance to take control of success, personal development, and growth. Want to learn more about techniques and techniques that will help you achieve your goal quickly and effectively.