Should teachers be given concessions due to the value of their service?
if he has educated an entire generation of men and women for many years to come. teachers concessions due to the value of their service.

Teachers are considered as the builders of a nation. They are the soul stone, the concrete and the cement that holds the structure and stratums of society together when no one else can. Teachers are meant to be the guidelines of all the society and they are a vital and very important p[art to a functioning happy society as they instill upon values and ideas that will inspire many generations to come with their wisdom. If a teacher can educate a child, it is as if he has educated an entire generation of men and women for many years to come. teachers concessions due to the value of their service.
When it comes to concessions however, teachers are never included in the list. Except government teachers, most teachers are not given a proper pension or given the respect they very much deserve. Teachers are not given proper benefits by the government or proper recognition. Moreover, our society has led to teachers being disrespected in many places.
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Most students do not appreciate their teachers as much as they did back in the olden days and with the increase of the us of the internet and social media, most teachers are considered useless and worthless when they are clearly are anything but. Teachers are never provided concessions by the government. However, in first world countries where teachers are given the proper respect they deserve, they are treated much better by the state and its people.
The state provides them with proper pensions, benefits and recognitions for their service just like they do their military men. This leads to a larger number of people willing to work in the teaching profession due to the respect and love they are given by the people and the state alike.
This is much needed in third world countries as they face a very large loss of teachers and a very big shortage for them. This has led to many national debates regarding the sanctity of the teaching professions and if they should be provided with any concessions or proper recognition. However, for the majority or the general number of teachers, it has always been a stern no.