The Benefits of Riddles in Child Development
a traditional and charming text that has a particular appeal for the little ones and child development. The reason for this attraction can be

There are many games that we can practice as a family with the smallest of the house, a time that allows us to develop the bond between parents and children but also to be able to develop different skills. A good example is found in riddles, a traditional and charming text that has a particular appeal for the little ones and child development. The reason for this attraction can be found in its sounds, its rhymes or its touches of humor, but above all, due to the surprise factor that involves having to guess the result of it.
Benefits of using short riddles in children's development
In the childhood stage, curiosity is one of the main innate qualities, and riddles help their development and put it into practice. When we say a riddle to a child, he has the need to discover his answer, either by his own effort or with some help. Now, do you know what its main benefits are? Let's see the most important ones below
Improved concentration
When playing riddles with children, they tend to put their full attention on each word that is said to assimilate it and thus guess the answer as soon as possible. Because of this, the use of the riddles will allow you to achieve better concentration.
Memory enhancement
In the guessing game, children must memorize the sentence of the riddle in order to find the answer. This helps the little ones to internalize sentences that they will later share with other children.
They learn to be patient
Patience is not exactly one of the main characteristics of children, but when playing riddles, they must gradually learn to be so. They will learn to understand the statement and analyze it to find the answer.
Intellectual and critical development
As we have already commented in previous points, children must listen carefully to the sentences of the riddles, understand them and associate ideas to find the answer, while discarding those that are not valid.
Learning new words
In many cases, in the riddles words are used that may be unknown to the little ones. In this way, this game allows them to enrich their vocabulary.
Riddles allow children to interact with other children, either by sharing riddles, looking for the answer to a riddle or discussing possible solutions. Thanks to this they learn to listen and be listened to, to relate and make new friends.
Must Read: Gestures help students remember words
Promotion of creativity
Creativity is another of the qualities that benefit from the use of riddles, since children can be encouraged to create their own that later share with their friends.
Children's motivation
Proposing a challenge and inviting the little ones to solve it always motivates them to get the best of themselves and find the answer.
Work oral language
By learning new riddles and later sharing them with their friends, children develop their oral language, since in this way they share that information they have acquired by listening to their parents, grandparents or other friends.
Short riddles to play with the little ones in the house
Today we can find countless short riddles designed for the smallest of the house. There are many books published with hundreds of riddles, although it is also possible to find many if we do a search on the net. This is the case of the following riddles that we have found in the Children's Stage portal and that we now share with all of you.
- White inside, green outside. If you don't know, wait. What is it?
Answer: The pear.
- Before little egg, then little cocoon and later I will fly like a bird. Do you know who I am?
Answer: The butterfly.
- I am beautiful from the front and somewhat ugly from behind, I transform myself at every moment as I imitate others. Do you know who I am?
Answer: The mirror.
- Gold seems silver is not. Open the curtains and you will see what it is.
Answer: The banana.
- Go out to the country at night if you want to know me, I am a man with big eyes, a serious face and great knowledge. Who I am?
Answer: The owl.
- Iron head, wooden body, if I step on your finger, how often I scream you hit! What is it?
Answer: The hammer.
- I sing on the shore, I live in the water, I am not a fish and I am not a cicada.
Answer: The frog.
- The letters arrive and I can't read and, although I swallow them, I don't stain the paper. What is it?
Answer: The mailbox.
- In your clean hands, in your dirty windows. If dirty, they make me clean, and if I clean, they make me dirty. What is it?
Answer: The handkerchief.
- That thing is? That thing is? Who runs a lot and has no feet.
Answer: The wind.
- I tell you, I tell you, I repeat it to you, I tell you twenty times and you don't know how to say it. What is it?
Answer: The cloth.
- If I am young, I'll stay young. If I'm old, I remain old. I have a mouth and I don't speak to you. I have eyes and I don't see you. Who I am?
Answer: The portrait.
- I am a bird and I am flat, but I do not have a beak or wings. Do you know who I am?
Answer: Hazelnut.
- It is white, the hen puts it on, it is fried with oil and eaten with bread. That thing is?
Answer: The egg.
- They all want me to rest. I have already told you! Think no more.
Answer: The chair.
- I tell you and you don't understand me, I repeat it and you don't understand me.
Answer: The cloth.
- They all go through me, but I never go through anyone. Everyone asks about me, but I never ask about anyone. What is it?
Answer: The Street.
- Tall as a stick, head up and only eat leaves that are on top what is it?
Answer: The giraffe.
- And it is, and it is, and you can't tell me in a month. What is it?
Answer: The thread.
- My bite is harmful, my body insignificant, but the nectar that I give, you eat it instantly. What is it?
Answer: The bee.
- It is small as a pear, but it lights up the whole house. What is it?
Answer: The light bulb.
- Born in the sea, dies in the river. That's my name, well what a mess!
Answer: Mario.
- He has teeth and does not eat, he has a head and is not a man. What is it?
Answer: Garlic.
- From Monday to Friday I am the last to arrive, on Saturday I am the first and Sunday to rest. Who I am?
Answer: The letter S.
These are just some examples because we can find many more