Why is ongoing teacher training important?

more progressive society capable of achieving goals in all its purposes. Why is ongoing teacher training important.

Why is ongoing teacher training important?
Why is ongoing teacher training important?

Education is not a stagnant discipline, but is continually evolving, constantly adapting to the needs of a changing society. For this reason, continuous training of teachers and teachers is essential, who are in charge of training students to create a more progressive society capable of achieving goals in all its purposes. Why is ongoing teacher training important.

In this way, the task of a teacher is not only to prepare students in certain subjects, but to acquire sufficient skills with which to face the problems of the future.

There is constant talk of the need for digitization, and confinement and online classes were a real challenge for teachers, but it is not enough to approach digital media from education, but rather an education that is truly inclusive must be planned from this scenario.

The majority of teachers today continue to respond to a traditional model, that of teaching content in a masterful way, very vertical, without a symbiotic relationship with the student. This leads to an incorrect application of strategies and techniques in the teaching-learning process.

Collaborative work, group participation, creativity, motivation, freedom of expression and the correct use of new technologies continue to be challenges to be achieved by the teaching community, at least for the great majority.

Although the world responds to problems that are very similar to those of decades ago and the concerns of society are the same, the way of approaching those problems is different. Educational Innovation happens to be the best way to offer effective solutions to the concerns and problems of the present.

Transfer theoretical training to practical knowledge

In this sense, approved education courses are a formula available to teachers to which they must go without fear, because it is their safest way to acquire necessary skills in the current educational process.

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And beyond this, the key also lies in knowing how to make these theoretical contents land in practical formulations, that is, make students participate in the challenges posed by today's society and find formulas to overcome them.

The teacher today is not that authoritarian figure of the past, but he does have to be the one who directs the knowledge and skills of students in the right direction. Educational Innovation happens there, and it is more important than ever in this world marked by digitization.

How to enter the continuing education process?

The School of Educational Innovation of the European University is a setting that well represents this idea of €¹€¹continuous teacher training. Its objective as a center is to provide sufficient means and material for teachers in order to improve the training of students.

The teaching-learning process depends entirely on teachers, students, infrastructures and available means. Through continuous training what is done is to provide teachers with more tools so that they know better ways to transmit their knowledge.

Changes in teacher training force teachers to develop capacities, skills, values €¹€¹and attitudes with which to face the social, technological and economic changes that characterize today's society. The willingness of teachers to be part of this process is key.

Digitization is only the clearest example of the obligation of continuous training. In the School of Educational Innovation of the European University has access of courses that deal with unknown issues or little dealt with not even a decade ago, something that is a sign of the brutal transformations that the educational process undergoes year after year.

Changes are always necessary

Is it possible today to imagine that a doctor intervenes in an operating room with the same instruments as 50 years ago? Or to prescribe a drug that is not in use when there are currently better drugs to alleviate a certain ailment? Well, with training you have to act according to the same logic.

Ongoing quality teacher training is essential, because it is essential that this discipline continues to be useful for new generations. Although the knowledge is apparently similar, since the area of €¹€¹a rectangle is the same on a digital board as on a traditional one, the way in which the student accesses them can change, evolve. And on this depends, to a large extent, the work of the teacher.

Teachers' mission is to transmit knowledge, but above all to design scenarios in which students are able to take advantage of the tools at their disposal to achieve their goals. Continuous training has a lot to do with that, in making the teacher a figure that leaves their students free to win in skills and overcome the challenges posed by today's society.